A Late Night

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Sirius' POV:

"Come on, love." A kind soft voice woke me from my sleep, "I know you want to stay near Remus but I'm afraid you have to attend your lessons. Sirius?" Madam Pomfrey was standing at the foot of Remus' bed.

I stood slowly, my back aching from sleeping leaning against Remus' bed. I grabbed my bag from beside the chair I had been sleeping so peacefully in just moments ago. I mumbled a quick, "Thanks" and headed to my lessons for the day.

As I walked through the corridors towards DADA I felt a strange tug in my heart. I decided to ignore it, probably just because I hadn't slept yet today.

Remus' POV:

I woke with the sun shining onto my face in the hospital wing. I instantly felt the hunger set in. I looked around my vision still slightly blurry after just waking up. On the table next to my bed there was a sandwich which I gathered Madam Pomfrey must have left for me. I quickly ate it and just as I finished, Madam Pomfrey walked around the corner, with a bottle of medicine in her hand.

"How are you feeling this morning, Remus? You didn't have a singly injury this morning, was it a good moon?" She asked in a cheery voice.

I smiled and responded in a croaky voice from spending what must have been hours asleep, "Yeah, I feel pretty good, will I be able to leave soon?"

She handed me the medicine I had become so used to taking every month for the last five years, "Yes, I should think so, dear. You seem well enough. You can leave whenever you would like, love. I should think young Mr Black should be happy to see you, he's always here so early to check on you. He seems a good friend to you, Remus."

She had a habit of saying whatever she pleased and talking until she was stopped. I didn't mind though, it was comforting to have to not say much and still hold a conversation.

I stretched as I sat up, took a large drink of the water beside the bed and got up. Madam Pomfrey had rushed off, chattering about some important business.

Third Person POV:

Remus changed into his robes and headed down to the main hall for lunch. His stomach still growling for food.

His hip ached slightly as he stepped but it had been a good moon. Remus had lied slightly as to the extent of his pain. He could deal with the pain by now and felt a burden sitting up in the hospital wing taking up valuable space. He sighed as he walked through the archway at the end of the hall.

Sitting in their usual spot he saw Sirius, James and Peter. He felt a pang of insecurity, nobody had ever seen him transform before. He wondered whether it was ugly, he thought so. He hoped his friends wouldn't bring up the nights events. He hated discussing his "furry little problem". He hated being reminded of the monster he truly was. He pushed these thoughts pack into the back of his head and sat next to James with Lily on the other side.

She turned to him and asked, "You alright, Remus?"

She didn't know he was a werewolf, nobody but the marauders did, he liked it that way. "Yeah, just felt a bit iffy yesterday, I'm alright now though, don't worry!" He said with a smile, attempting to ease her worry.

She seemed to relax slightly and talk turned to prefect responsibility, "Did you see the schedule? It's you and me tonight? You are feeling well enough, aren't you?" She asked concerned again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be perfectly all right. We just have to patrol from 8 till 12 don't we?" Remus continued.

Sirius was watching Remus, the way the light from outside the castle windows was glinting against his eyes. How his smile spread across his face. Sirius realised he was staring and promptly stopped turning back to his food, pushing it around with his fork. The hunger had worn off now and he was back to his old regularly eating self.


Sirius, unable to sleep, had taken one of his books to a sofa by the fire in the common room. He felt the story pull him from reality as his mind twisted through the enchanting world of Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'. He had read it a few times before but found it a comforting book to read. There was something about the monster he felt was so beautiful and comforting to him when his thoughts were swarming as they had that evening.

He heard the painting door creak open and Remus and Lily stepped through into the room. Remus gave Lily a gentle hug and wished her a good night. He turned to Sirius and asked, "Hey, mind if I sit with you for a bit?"

"Yeah, of course." Sirius said in a gentle whisper.

Remus sat next to Sirius, leaving just a few centimetres between the two boys.

"Is that Frankenstein?" Remus asked curiously.

"Yeah, it is. Always brings me some comfort I guess. Have you read it?" Sirius replied softly.

"A long time ago. I liked it. Would you read to me, Sirius?" Remus said, meeting Sirius' eyes.

"Of course, I will" Sirius responded happily. As he begun to read, Remus watched him. The way his eyes flowed across the page, taking in every word. The way his smooth perfect voice read every word in just the right way. Remus' own voice was rough and uneven, he felt everything he said came out in a bit of a muddle and he didn't speak as well as James, Peter and Sirius all did. He wasn't raised in the same world. Of course he was brought up away from magic, but he wasn't well off, and was brought up away from the world where people pronounced every letter and word perfectly and read as elegantly as Sirius did.

Remus' eyes lifted to Sirius' own hazel tinted ones. To Remus, his face was perfect, the way his dark long black hair curled perfectly around his face, how it contrasted his skin and his eyes as the read the words in front of him.

After reading for a while, Sirius turned to Remus, his voice slightly gruff and croaky from reading for so long and said, "We best get to sleep now, school again tomorrow."

"Yeah, we really should" Remus replied calmly. Neither boy moved for a time, they just sat so close looking directly into each others eyes.

Slowly they made their way back down to the dormitory, when Remus turned to Sirius.

"Hey, Sirius?" He asked.

"Yeah?" The raven haired boy responded.

"Your voice is perfect. You read beautifully" Remus stated as he headed into his bed.

Sirius, after hearing this, felt a light pink dust coat his face as he slipped into his own bed and drew the curtains. He heard Remus' breathing even out in his bed, which was so close but so far from Sirius'. He could hear Peter snoring on the other side of the room and he lay listening to the gentle noise of his snoring.

He thought of what Remus had said, "perfect". Sirius didn't see how he could be such a thing, he was so far from it, as his mother had not failed to remind him. He knew this but yet, Remus's words had felt so raw and truthful. He longed to hear them again, to watch the other boy's face as he repeated it. To see whether he had truly meant it. He hoped so, but how could he ever be even slightly perfect?

1293 words

Second post in one night!! Let me know if there's bad grammar or if it's hard to read! also this fic can be found on Ao3 too. Also are the chapters too short, or too long, I don't even know.

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