Perfect Dreams

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Sirius' POV:

After dinner we all went back up to the common room and sat in our usual chairs in the middle of the room until front on the fire. Remus, having gotten back into his Hogwarts habit of reading, was sat in front of the sofa on the floor reading a large book.

I sat behind him with James at the other end. Peter was sitting comfortably in an arm chair talking to James about a prank they wanted to play on Slytherin one day.

"I just think, if we could turn all their hair bright red and- and we- we could change their robes and everything all too!!" Peter said excitedly, stuttering as he did often.

Third Person POV:

Peter was the quietest after Moony, he hardly ever spoke. He grew up in a kind, loving household, but was bullied heavily in Hogwarts and as a younger child. He was a sweet boy and tried hard in everything he did. As a result of years of bullying, he had developed a stutter. He controlled it around his friends but, when he was sad, angry or excited, it came out.

The common room was a large circular room, there was a large fireplace that had flames dancing within currently. There were two doors, excluding the portrait hole, both leading to staircases, one to the girl's dormitory upstairs and the second to the boys's downstairs.

In one area of the room was a large table with books scattered as NEWT students sat, studying diligently. Just to the left of the tables was a couple of large bookshelves with general books on magic and copies of all the textbooks used in the courses taken by students at Hogwarts.

The rest of the room was made up of further seating areas for chatting or reading with friends. The largest of these areas was the Marauders'. Nobody ever sat there except them, it had become a sort of unspoken rule.

In one of the seating areas near by with large comfortable armchairs around a small table sat, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald and Dorcas Meadowes. The four were known to be close friends by everyone and shared a dormitory much the same as the four boys.

Lily's fiery hair was in a plait, strands coming loose framing her face. She was beautiful with her perfect pail skin and freckles that lightly dusted it. James had loved Lily since first year when she first introduced herself. Her confidence and kindness glowing off her beauty. James had fallen at once. He pursued her almost daily asking her for a trip to Hogsmead or something else of similar substance. She always declined, but something in her heart wanted to say yes. He was good looking too, his dark wavy hair so messy yet perfect. He too was a kind, caring person, he always set it upon himself to help his friends and do what he thought was best. The two were perfect for each other, just too stubborn to both truly admit it. Though James was certain that one day Lily would fall for his endless wooing.

"Oh Wormtail, that is an excellent suggestion. I wonder how though, we could- no..." James said excitedly as he trailed off thinking very hard about his new 'mission'.

James got up and walked towards a large dark wooden bookshelf. He scanned across and pulled a huge book of the shelf, hardly able to hold it, he brought it back to the sofa.

Peter came over and sat beside Remus who turned to watch James as he scanned the pages enthusiastically. He turned to the contents page and moved his finger down the page as he read. The book was old and the pages yellowed, it had the distinct old book smell that comforted Sirius.

"AHA! I found it!" James said in a singsong voice.

"what?" James looked blankly as Sirius asked again, "What did you find, Prongs? You've yet to tell us what on earth you are thinking at all?"

"Oh, right! I forgot, sorry, Pad. Basically, I was looking in this book like last term because I was just so bored. And I read about this spell, it basically means you can command everything in a person's life to remind them of either the thing they most hate or basically anything else you want! Super cool, right? It's not quite what you suggested Wormy, but your idea got me thinking about this..." James said quickly, stumbling over his words occasionally.

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