A Full Moon

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Sirius' POV:

We had all gotten into bed and I could hear James' gentle snoring and Peter's louder. I was in agony. I wanted to scream, the pain was stabbing at me. I groaned lightly, not wanted to wake anyone. I shifted in my bed. I knew that Moony could help, but that I'd have to ask him too. I let the pain stab at me for another minute or so before I got up, and walked to Remus's bed which was just next to mine. "Remus?" I said in a soft voice.

"Sirius?" He said gently, opening the curtains to his bed, "What's wrong?"

"Can I come in?" I asked softly in a whisper.

"Yeah, of course" he replied, opening the curtain further and shutting it behind me as I clambered into his bed.

I placed a silencing charm around us to not wake James and Peter. I turned to Remus and said "You can heal stuff, can't you?"

"Well, I mean, yeah, to an extent. Why do you ask, Sirius? Has someone hurt you?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, but don't worry" I said reassuringly.

"Will you show me, Sirius?" He asked genuinely, with care laced into his voice.

I turned and lifted my shirt where bruised and small cuts lined my skin. I felt him touch my skin gently and I winced slightly as he muttered spells under his breath, I felt my back healing as he spoke.

"Are there more?" He asked gently.

I turned again lifting my pyjama trousers and fully taking off my shirt this time. I met his eyes as he glanced over my body assessing the damage that had been done to me, whispering his charms, his soft hands gliding over my skin gently. I watched his eyes as he worked, they were so beautiful, his face so soft, I wanted to reach out and touch it. We spoke no words as i put my shirt back one after he had finished, just as I turned to leave again, he grabbed me into a tight hug. I relaxed against him and hugged him back just as tightly. We stayed like that for what seemed minutes, but I still wanted more, to feel him close to me again as I trudged back to my bed and lay down in the cold sheets.

I played over the moment in my head over and over as I feel asleep, how he'd felt so close to me and how his soft hands felt against my skin, how he'd held me so gently, as if i'd break.


I woke up with a start the next morning as James threw a glass of ice cold water against my face. "JAMES" I yelled.

He ran from me around our room as I chased him, soaking wet. Remus was sat up at the window smoking and I met his eye as I chased James, he smiled at me gently.

"It's quidditch practice!" James said still running from me.

"Ugh, it's 6 am on a Saturday, that's what it is!" I screamed back at him.

Peter stirred in his sleep in his bed on the far side of the room and we all broke out into laughter as he miraculously stayed asleep.

"You have 20 minutes to get out there, Sirius" James said from behind his bed as I stood the other side.

The room was rectangular with one curved wall which was lined with the boys four four-post beds. A door was on one of the straight walls which was lined with chests of draws and our trunks piled at the far end still unpacked apart from Peters. Stuff lay already on the floor untidy. On the far end of the room was another door that lead to the shared bathroom which has a basin, toilet and shower. There was a singular window which Moony was currently sat that had a ledge out of it where a couple people could sit.

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