The Prank

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Tiny mention of suicide in passing as a joke between the ⭐️

"Remus!" James called out across the common room, sitting down in the chair across from Remus, "I think tomorrow is the day, if you're ready that is?" He said in a lower voice.

"I think so, Prongs. I've been trying to do it with wordless and wondless magic, but so far I can only do wordless, but I think it'll still work as long as there's another distraction." Remus replied, turning to face James.

"Oh! Moons! That's perfect! I didn't know you could do wordless magic, even wandless?" James said, amazed.

"Yeah, I can, only basic ones really, it's 'ard, I 'ave to concentrate a lot, an' practice too. I think it's to do with 'my furry little problem' I think it gives me some sort of power. When I do it, it's like I can feel the magic, you know, in my blood." Remus said, lost in his words.

James watched Remus as he spoke, "That's so cool, Moons! I wish I could do that, so many opportunities for pranks, you know?" James replied.

"I could teach you a bit, if you want? It's pretty easy, well the basic stuff, once you know what you have to try to do, I 'ad to read about it loads before I even knew how to try." Remus proposed.

"Really? You would, Moony? I'd love that, can we now? I really wanna try." James said, excitedly standing up.

"Sure, we can, room of requirement?" Remus asked.

James nodded and the two headed towards the room of requirement. They spoke excitedly of their plans for the prank later that evening,
James practically jumping with excitement.

As they entered the room, they both looked around at what the room had created for them, there was a large room with only a mannequin for practising spells on.

"Right, so, basically, you 'ave to sort of feel what you want to happen, like in your heart. I guess we should start with expelliarmus, that's simple enough. I just sort of think really 'ard what I want to happen an' try, I can feel like a small buzzing, then I push that buzzing out of my head an' into the world. I imagine that sounds well stupid, but, it works, for me at least." Remus finished as James watched intently. Remus faced the mannequin, and a few seconds later the wand it held flew out of its hand and into Remus'.

"Wow. That. Was. Amazing, Remus. Like so cool, it just flew right out of its hand, I can't even do it that well with a wand, Moony." James stated, in awe.

"You try now." Remus said as he placed the wand into the mannequin's hand.

James faced the mannequin and made a sort of funny face, the concentration showing on his face. Remus could faintly hear the buzzing.

"That's it, Prongs! Can you hear that?" Remus asked excitedly.

"I can! It's like, I can feel it!" James responded, his focus still on the mannequin.

"All right, I'd leave it a minute now before you try again, it only gets harder the longer you try. Still, you're doing so well, it's really hard to even get the buzzing, well it was for me..." Remus said.

"Well, I only did it so well because I have the best teacher!" James said nudging Remus as they sat down into two chairs that had just appeared.

"Remus?" James asked after they sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Yes, Prongs?" Remus replied.

"Do you think Lily will ever like me, like really? I know you're pretty close and that with her, don't lie to me." James asked, taking a serious tone now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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