A Marauder's Party

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The week continued as an average week would and as the Halloween party approached, James was frantically running around organising various things.

Remus was slowly packing his things after Herbology when Angelica appeared at his side. "Hi Remus, wanna come chat with me, you have a free, don't you?" She asked in her cheery voice.

"Yeah, I do, sure, I'd love to chat, wanna go for a walk?" Remus said.

The two walked towards the black lake and Angelica had started telling a story very animatedly. "And this girl, I mean, I hate her, she annoys me so much, with her perfect hair and smile and, ugh, everything, her stupid boyfriend, she should be walking holding my arm instead of his, I mean, I get why she wouldn't want to, but still. I guess, I don't hate her really, I love her,
but... She's so, perfect, you know, Remus?"

"Yeah, I guess, I do know how you feel... Wait! You like girls?" Remus said, realising what she had said fully.

"Yeah? I thought I was a lot more obvious with it? I guess my cover still stands." She said laughing, "Loads of my friends think I like you, no offence, Remus, but not in a million years. I very much like women."

"Well, it doesn't matter to me" he said grabbing her arm and walking with it, "Wait! Who's this girl you 'hate' then?"

"Oh, no! I could never say. You know her, well not very well, I don't think you like her very much, but she's so beautiful and kind and ugh, just amazing, you know how you feel when you look at Sirius, or think about him?" She said.

"Uh, what? I don't like, Sirius!" Remus said, shocked.

"Sure thing, Remus, you definitely don't..." She said, changing the conversation back to her studies and exams.

Remus thought as she spoke and they walked together. He didn't like Sirius, right? I mean that would explain a lot, why he felt so weird around him, and why whenever when Rosa appeared he felt so angry. Well, shit.

"I do like Sirius, don't I?" Remus asked.

"I thought you did, I wasn't aware you didn't know. You're always watching him and the way you look at his girlfriend, I mean, Remus..." She said laughing gently.

"Oh, god, am I that obvious with it?" He said laughing with her.


A few days passed and the four marauders were eating together before they went to set up for the party later that night. It was Halloween and the feast. Remus would usually have a large appetite for the food but he had lost it ever since realising he was completely infatuated with Sirius Black, who had a girlfriend and who was definitely not into boys.

He pushed his food around on his plate. Angelica caught his eye and smiled gently at him, trying to comfort him from across the room.

After dinner they all headed up to the common room and changed. Remus wore a large sweater and brown trousers, Sirius wore a large black leather jacket and white shirt. James wore a black shirt and jeans, Peter wore a blue sweater and jeans.

Remus plonked himself down onto a chair in the corner of the room with a large glass of  fire whiskey and a joint. Sipping it and smoking as people began to come into the room, music had started playing, though Remus was too out of it to know where from.

Angelica came into the room and waved at Remus who waved back, she came and sat in his chair with him. Sipping some of his whiskey. "Remus!" She said as she sat.

"Angelica!" He said with the same excitement. "Is the 'most hated one' here tonight? Will I finally have this mystery revealed?"

"She might be... But no! I will not be telling. Nothing's happening while she's still with, him." She said bitterly.

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