Stoner Remus

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As Remus was walking back to the dormitory he walked straight into someone as he turned a corner. She dropped a book she was holding, "Oh, crap sorry, I- Oh- I- sorry..." she said nervously picking her book up quickly.

"Oh, hey, don't worry, it's okay!" Remus said with a smile. "You're in Ravenclaw aren't you, well obviously..." He said as he realised she was in her robes.

"Yeah, I am, you're Remus, aren't you?" She said, gaining some confidence.

"Yeah, I am, are you Angelica Laurence?" He said putting a name to her face.

"Yes, I am! I was just going to return this book, do you want to come with me, we could talk more, you don't have to if you're bu-" she started.

"No, I'd love to!" Remus said, interrupting her nervous chatter. The two walked together talking, the conversation flowed naturally.

Angelica was the most beautiful girl in the entire school by far. She had faint skin and almost white hair, light freckles that dusted her cheeks and a faint blush. Her eyes were bright blue and there was something magical about her, enchanting. She drew you in and intrigued you, Remus felt this and instantly itched to be her friend. Everything about her was simply flawless, her beauty magical, angelic. Remus was shocked she seemed interested in even speaking to him. Her skirt was short and she wore black tights and platform Doc Martins, as well as a long sleeve white shirt rolled to her elbows and her tie.

As they reached the library she walked towards the desk and left the book she was carrying there, smiling at the librarian.

The library was one of the biggest rooms in the school. The room had a large wooden desk at its entrance where a librarian sat reading from one of the biggest books Remus had ever seen. The closet area to them was filled with tall dark wooden bookshelves, lined with books on all sort of magical things. There was a muggle section on the second floor of the library. Behind all the shelves there was a seating area with large armchairs and a huge fire.

The third distinctive area was filled with desks that could be used for studying by anyone who wanted to use them, though Remus and Lily had a table they often used that was 'theirs', Remus, although he hardly ever studied much, used it to read up on subjects that intrigued him, he managed to pass his exams through his curiousity alone. Outside it was a dark rainy day, true British winter weather. The forest gave a mystical feeling to the whole space. The large windows letting in little light. The rain could be heard on the roof, giving a calming atmosphere to the space. The library also had its own tower which consisted of more private areas to sit and read, each being 'owned' by a house. Remus was almost the only one who used his 'house's'.

Angelica turned to Remus and said, "I was going to sit in the ravenclaw tower space with some friends, you can come if you want, they're all very friendly, you know?"

"Yeah, all right, I will" Remus said happily. Together they climbed the stairs and reached her friends who all sat around a table in large comfortable arm chairs. The two sat on a sofa in the room, Remus feeling slightly out of place in the space. This feeling soon left him as he settled into conversation. Xenphilius Lovegood was sat in one chair with Pandora, sat with him in the same seat. They had been dating since the end of forth year, both having a similar magical appearance with platinum hair, silver eyes and almost pure white skin. There were a few others Remus didn't know and didn't ask about sat nearby. All of them had a magical beauty and radiated happiness. They were smoking weed, Remus smoked it sometimes though when he was at Hogwarts he found it hard to get. So when it was offered he agreed taking a joint from a girl with bright blue hair.

Remus watched them all speak and listened only to the conversation for the remainder of the morning. As the group began to disperse for lunch, he got up and said goodbye to Angelica. Hoping that they would talk again soon as he had enjoyed her company.

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