Remus Punches A Girl

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Remus walked to the hospital wing after dinner, which had largely been consumed by talk of the party they were throwing next week.

He waved to Madam Pomfrey who was giving some medicine to a very gloomy looking first year and sat down in the waiting area outside her office. She came over to him after a few minutes and said, "Are you ready, Remus dear?"

He nodded and they begun the walk to the tree, and once they'd gone through that, down to the shack. She said goodbye to him at the door and wished him luck. The aches had started to settle into his bones, it would be maybe half an hour before he was fully transformed. His senses were heightened and he smelt the other three walking towards the shack.

They came through the door and sat with him as they waited. The transformation began and they changed forms.

Once he was transformed, the wolf approached Padfoot and sniffed him, before nudging him gently, as if wanting to play, they left the house and went into the woods. The night was full of adventure and fun for all the boys, it was nice for them to spend time alone, without talk of girls or lessons or anything like that.

As the morning came and Sirius was lying asleep next to Remus, he woke Sirius up, saying "You best, get going, she'll be here soon."

"Oh, okay, I'll get going then." He said sitting up stretching, and eventually walking towards the door, he turned and smiled at Moony. "Bye! See you later, I'll be in the hospital wing at lunch, Madam Pomfrey says I'm not allowed to miss lessons for you"

"Okay, Sirius. Goodbye!" Remus said smiling and laughing and Sirius' joke. Not long later Madam Pomfrey appeared at the door and smiled at Remus. She walked him up to the Hospital Wing and he lay down and slept until lunch when he was awoken by Sirius climbing into his bed. "Oh, sorry, you don't mind do you? You weren't the only one awake all night." Sirius said.

"No, I don't mind, Pads." Remus replied sleepily, pulling Sirius towards him as they both fell asleep.

Madam Pomfrey stood at the side of Remus' bed, looking to give Remus his medicine and some lunch but she let the two boys sleep leaving food by his bed.


The two woke up still cuddling as they had fallen asleep. "Wanna go get some dinner?" Remus asked Sirius gently sitting up.

"Okay, sure. Have I been here all afternoon?" He said realising where he was.

"I guess so" Remus replied not sure himself how he had managed to stay without Madam Pomfrey kicking him out.

The two left the hospital wing, saying goodbye to Madam Pomfrey on their way out.

As they walked around the corridor, they walked into someone. Remus heart beating faster as he realised who it was. Bellatrix and Narcissa.

"You should want to watch where you walk, cousin. Wouldn't want you to go getting lost now would we? And walking round with this half-blood freak, mummy wouldn't be proud would she. Been in the hospital wing again, is lickle Lupin feeling a bit icky?" Bellatrix spoke her voice riddled with hate.

Abby's voice echoed in his head "never hit a woman" as his fisted clenched and he felt his heart racing. His heart beating in his head drowned her voice out and he swung round and punched her in the face.


Narcissa screamed and the two boys ran, laughing as they did. Remus pulled Sirius into a broom cupboard.

"Shit, I swore I'd never hit a girl..." Remus said finding it extremely hard not to laugh as he leant against the wall, Sirius' own face was less than 30cm from his own.

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