Perfect Sunsets and Smoking

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Talk of abuse in this chapter from ⭐️ and very very brief mention of suicide in the same paragraph.

Third Person POV:

Remus was patrolling again with Lily, as they walked around the deserted corridors of Hogwarts at night, Lily asked, "Hey, Remus?"

"Yeah?" Remus replied turning to face her, "What's up?"

"You know Sirius?" she started, Remus nodded gently, "I have a friend, she thinks he's really cute. Do you know if he's single? I mean and if he'd be interested. I'm mean she'll understand if he doesn't want to or is seeing someone..." She was rambling on as a sinking feeling settled into Remus's chest. He sighed a shaky breath quietly to try to and relieve the pain he felt.

"I mean, I don't really know, but as far as I'm aware, he's not seeing anyone. Who is it?" Remus said trying extremely hard to ignore the now unbearable feeling which he didn't why he was suddenly feeling so strongly. He was sure Lily could see straight through him from the pained expression on his face.

"It's Rosa, you know from the quidditch team. She really likes him. And since I apparently know James, I should know him too, I thought I'd ask you though. I thought you'd give me a more intelligent mature answer than James." She spoke again, seeming to realise the pain she had set into Remus' chest from the pained uncomfortable look on his face. "Well, never mind, I just wanted to ask and see. Did you finish the potions essay yet?" She asked changing the subject.

Remus was so glad of Lily in that moment, she had saved him from the pain which begun to ease of as they talked of homework Remus had not done yet and would very likely not be doing.


The next evening Remus sat perched on the ledge outside the window smoking, looking into the moon thinking.

Sirius came through the door, Remus already having heard him coming through the door at the top of the landing and could smell his sweet, perfect scent.

He walked over to the window sill and sat almost touching Remus, saying, "Hi, Moony!"

"Moony?" Remus asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's your new nickname, I got ones for James and Peter too. Prongs and wormtail." Sirius replied. The two boys sat on the ledge as Remus smoked, laughing gently at Sirius' new name for Peter.

"But what are you then?" Remus asked after the laughter slowed.

"I'm not sure to be honest. Mind if I try a bit, never smoked before." Sirius asked looking at the cigarette in Remus' hand.

"Yeah, sure, it's a bit unpleasant at first to be honest." Remus replied as he held the cigarette to the raven haired boys lips, he breathed in the smoke and coughed lightly. "I know! We could call you Padfoot?" Remus said lightly with a smile, a light pain tugging in his chest.

"That's perfect, Moony. Yeah, you're right, this is gross." he said spluttering, "Why do you then? If it's so awful?" Sirius asked as the two boys looked out over the sunset that was enclosing the valley that Hogwarts was built in.

"I don't know. I always 'ave, everyone does where I come from. I guess I just got used to it an' I guess it distracts me. Peace of mind, you know? An' it does get better." Remus replied.

The two were silent for a while, Remus smoking and Sirius watching him and the sunset.

"It's really perfect isn't it. Just beautiful." Sirius broke the silence, as the beauty of the sunset hit its peak and the golden light bled onto their faces.

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