The Map

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Third Person POV:

The end of the week finally came and Sirius was about to leave for his date. They were going to eat breakfast together and then head to Hogsmead. Sirius wasn't sure what they would do together there but thought that maybe they could go shopping or just walk around.

He walked down into the common room and sat down, waiting for Rosa. A couple of minutes later she appeared at the foot of the girls' staircase. She smiled and waved gently as she walked over. "Hey, Sirius!" she greeted him happily.

She was one of those people who were always so happy to be around you, smiling and waving whenever you bumped into each other. Sirius liked her a lot, but couldn't help thinking of Moony who was likely still asleep. He wasn't a morning person just like Sirius, who had gotten up just to meet with Rosa.

But Sirius stood and took her arm, together they walked downstairs to the main hall where breakfast was being served. They ate while chatting happily. The two got along well. Anyone who saw them could tell the Rosa was completely infatuated with Sirius, the way she looked into his eyes and occasionally glanced towards his lips. She asked all the right questions and spoke beautifully. Her green eyes glinted in the light and her dark hair framed her face almost perfectly.

After they had eaten, they walked slowly towards the train that went to Hogsmead and boarded it, still chatting.


It was gone 11 by the time Remus awoke. The others had all gone to Hogsmead, he suspected they tried to wake him. Or maybe they didn't, either way, he didn't want to go. The pain that had settled in his chest stayed there. He wasn't hungry and had missed breakfast so he stayed in bed and read.

A few hours later, he headed towards the library. Lily was sat on a table and waved Remus over. He went and sat next to her and smiled as much as he could, though he was sure it seemed like a pathetic attempt at faking happiness.

"Hey, Remus! How are you? I mean this in the nicest way, but you look exhausted, is something the matter?" Lily asked with genuine concern.

Remus smiled again, "Hi, Lily. I'm perfectly fine, don't worry, just a bit tired, that's all. How are you? Have you seen my friends anywhere, they all left this morning while I was asleep?" he spoke quietly as the librarian eyed them up.

"Oh, well I don't know about James and Peter, but Sirius is with Rosa, the girl I told you about, didn't he say? He told me he liked her back. I think they went to Hogsmead?" Lily said calmly.

"Oh, okay..." Remus said gently, the pain in his chest growing stronger. The two sat studying in silence. Remus liked Lily's company, she sensed when he wasn't in a talking mood, much like today.

After a few hours of studying they left together, heading for the common room. Remus felt exhausted and excused himself up to bed, not bothering to great his friends who had now returned. He got into his bed and immediately fell into a dreamless sleep.

Above, Lily walked towards her friends, watching James silently as she walked.

He was talking to Sirius who was smiling.

"Evans?" He said loudly, catching her attention.

"Yes, James?" she said bluntly.

Ignoring this James asked, "You seen Moony anywhere? Not seen him at all today."

"He just walked past, he's gone to bed, he seems very tired, be nice to him, I think somethings wrong, but he won't talk about it." Lily responded as she sat with her friends.

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