Nari & Anzai (part 2/5)

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(CW: Unwanted advances, violence.) 

"Y...Yes, sir..." I squeaked out.

He let go of me and turned around. Even though his presence was aggressive, he was so close to me at that moment and I didn't want him to leave yet. I tried to straighten my collar with my hand as I took a step forward to follow him.

"B...But I can't do it for free..." I dared to mutter.

He turned around so fast I thought it'd give him whiplash. His glare spelled my death but I tried to swallow the lump in my throat to continue speaking.

"I have a request..." I said. "I'll keep your secret until my death, as long as you grant this one request."

"...what the hell do you want?"

I gulped. "I want...I want you to become my friend!"

His expression looked shocked, not expecting those words to come out of my mouth. I felt safe enough to step even closer.

"As long as you become friends with me, I'll keep all your secrets, not just this one! I promise!"

He only stared at me, seemingly speechless. I waited patiently until he found the words.

"A friend? That's all you want?" Seemed like he still couldn't comprehend it.

I nodded, taking yet another step closer. "Of course! As long as we start out as friends, there's always room for more!"


"You know, like we could go from friends to lovers?"


He was even more shocked this time. I was afraid that if I laughed, he'd begin choking me out, officially taking his secret to the grave.

"Of course we should start out as friends first. So what do you say? Or should I report what I saw here to the principal?" I couldn't believe I was threatening a guy who just took out three men larger and stronger than me, but the butterflies inside me wouldn't quit. I knew I had to make a connection with him before it was too late.

He was silent for a long time. I continued to wait patiently for his response. The men on the ground groaned, making me worried our time would be cut short. But he finally responded before the men recovered themselves.

"Okay. I'll be your friend. But know that we will never become anything more than that." His finger pointed at me was like a dagger to my throat. I nodded obediently along to his words.

When he officially walked away, I realized I was holding my breath and had to take a few quick ones to recover. He's frightening... But maybe with time, I can wear him down and make him mine. When the men on the ground groaned and moved again, I jumped out of my skin before running far away from there.

From then on, the men who got beat up by Anzai decided to pretend the incident never happened and stay out of each other's way. Talking about what happened would just wound their pride so they never wanted the truth to get out. Many students gossiped and came to the correct conclusion anyway. What other students couldn't understand though, was that I now had the scary transfer student in the palm of my hand while we went everywhere together.

I knew Anzai was just humoring me. He looked bored out of his mind when I talked for the both of us and he reluctantly followed me around. Yet while we spent so much time together, we slowly got to know each other.

I was dealing with unwanted attention at the cafeteria during lunch one day. Random students had surrounded me as they had many times before. I was tempted to leave without even finishing my lunch to get them to stop.

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