Nari & Anzai (part 4/5)

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(CW: Violence.) 

Everything was silent for a moment. The man slowly recovered, his hand on his cheek. His bored gaze turned deadly as he looked down at me. The men all around him got into fighting positions. I knew I messed up. And there was no way out of the situation other than death. At least I'd die fighting for my dream...

But before anyone could lay a hand on me, Anzai rushed forward, pulling me behind him out of the way. I stumbled when he let go and fell on my butt. After wincing at the pain of the hard floor on my butt, I looked up and gasped. Anzai was fighting all of the men barehanded. He dodged, parried, and destroyed their faces and limbs with hard punches and elbow jabs. The men had weapons like crowbars and pocket knives but Anzai made them all drop them and they skidded across the floor.

I felt too stunned to move for a moment, but I knew I didn't want anyone to recover their weapons. While Anzai valiantly fought, I crawled around on the floor like a dog until I had confiscated every weapon. I hid them behind the counter that would one day be the bar counter where I'd intimately serve drinks to customers and chat with them.

When I looked back, Anzai and the leader of the men were grabbing onto each other, both fighting with all their strength. The rest of the men were scattered on the floor, bloody and broken. This scene was far more intense than what I had witnessed in high school.

The yakuza man pulled a knife out when Anzai was winning the scuffle. Dread flooded my veins. I hadn't gotten all of the weapons like I thought. I jumped to my feet and ran for them, hoping to save Anzai before it was too late. The man shoved the knife into Anzai's side and he screamed in pain between his teeth. I was too late.

But now I realized I was close enough to help even if just a little bit. I pulled my foot back and launched it up and between the man's legs so fast, I'm sure it utterly destroyed his hope of bearing future children.

The man howled and fell to his knees. Anzai took the opening to slam the man's head into his knee enough times that the man finally went limp and fell backward. I snatched his knife and threw it far away, flinching at the blood coating it.

It was quiet again except for our heavy breathing. I glanced at all the men on the floor, nervously watching to make sure no one moved to get up again. When I felt like they weren't moving for a while, I focused on Anzai. Before I could say anything, he swayed on his feet. I rushed to catch him but his weight crushed me and we fell to the floor.

"Anzai! Please don't die! Please!" Tears began streaming down my face as I grabbed his face. His skin looked deathly pale.

His breathing became more shallow and he blinked slowly. "Nari...hira..."

"Anzai!! I'll call an ambulance! Just wait until they get here! You can't die on me! Not ever!" I squeezed my hand past his body and into my pocket to find my phone. I shakily dialed the police while I felt his even shallower breathing against my body.

"Nari..." His voice was so quiet it scared me.

"Just wait! You'll be okay! I promise! You can wait, can't you? Please? Please..."

I communicated with the police, my words coming out all broken and frazzled. I was surprised they understood what I was saying. An ambulance was on the way and I heard the sirens in the distance. I held tightly onto Anzai's large muscular body. But I couldn't be happy about getting to feel him up when his warm blood was oozing out of his side. I put pressure on it, my hands becoming covered with his red lifeforce.

"Narihira..." He spoke again.

I sobbed. "You'll be okay, Anzai... Stay with me... Keep saying my name or whatever else you can..."

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