Atsutane (part 4/6)

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"Take all the time you need you guys," I smiled. I didn't fully mean that but I was also too nice to try to mention my concerns. They were both giving me an indefinite time frame for when they'd be ready to leave.

We decided to go futon shopping together. Both Anzai and I picked out ones we liked. I had to visualize if they'd fit in my room with the bed as well. I figured if everything was touching, it'd probably work out. When we paid, Atsutane offered to pay for both since he was crashing and taking my bed from me, but I said I couldn't let him do that since I'd be using the futons in the future as well. It was an investment I thought about but never actually went through with. Until now that is.

In the end, all three of us split the cost, that was the compromise we managed to settle on. Anzai was also saying he could pay for both and I felt I couldn't take advantage of my best friend and crush like that. Luckily the cost was cut down a lot with all of us paying a portion of it. It might be nice to have roommates if we can split the cost of many things like this... I could get a better TV or a better couch. Even if I barely use them... But I'm not sure if I could live with these two men forever. Especially Anzai...

The coming days consisted of Atsutane avoiding his butler every time we left work together, both Atsutane and Anzai living with me and our routines mingling together, and many sleepless nights for me. I was only slightly getting used to sleeping next to Anzai. Sometimes either of us would get too close to the edge of our futons where they met each other and I'd quickly roll to the other side of mine. I doubt he ever saw me do it since he always had his eyes closed.

Besides my lack of sleep, I suffered in other ways because of Anzai. I thought nothing of Atsutane coming out of the bath in only a towel, but when Anzai did, I almost had a heart attack. Seeing his chiseled pecs and abs, those well-rounded shoulders and arms, and the hint of his hips, I thought I might pass out. My nose literally started bleeding because of my arousal.

"Narihira? You're bleeding, are you alright?" Anzai came towards me, hand outstretched.

With his perfect body coming closer, I knew I had to get away before I died of blood loss.

"I-I'm alright! Excuse me!" I ran into the toilet room, slammed the door shut, and jammed toilet paper up my nose. I gripped the edge of the sink. He's going to kill me if he keeps living with me...

When Atsutane said we should all go to a bathhouse together, I knew I would die. I can't even handle a glimpse of Anzai's body, how could I handle him bathing next to me?!

"I'll pay for it of course!" he said when I didn't respond.

"That's not really...the problem..."

"But there is a problem? Do you not like bathhouses?"

"Do they make you uncomfortable?" Anzai asked.

Looking between them with their concerned faces and no way for me to explain the problem to them, I felt like I had to agree to go.

"No, I'm fine... It's just been a while."

"I haven't been in a while either!" Atsutane reassured me. "When I first went, my parents were appalled that I'd ever go to someplace like that! I enjoyed it though. The common people have made some really convenient places, huh?"

I stared at him. "Sometimes I forget you're rich. But then it's suddenly all too obvious you grew up far differently than me."

"Oops, did I say something offensive?"

"It's fine. Let's get going." I patted his arm and Anzai patted his back. He looked between us, confused.

When we got into the locker room, I grabbed one after Anzai so I could be on the opposite side and face away from him. I took a deep breath as I took my clothes off. It'll be fine. I just won't look at him. I'll just pretend he's someone else, like Atsutane or Shukishi. I don't care about their bodies in the slightest.

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