Atsutane (part 1/6)

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(Disclaimer: I am not aroace and my knowledge is limited so if Atsutane's story and his portrayal of the sexuality is offensive or not correct, I apologize. I'd be happy to remove or edit anything specific.) 

(CW: Mentions of sex.) 

"Welcome to the Arukōru Bar!"

The name of my bar rolled off the tongue nicely. It was a literal title, Arukōru meaning alcohol, but it was perfect. Rikiya liked to make fun of it, but Anzai had suggested it and glared at him every time he heard a peep. Rikiya didn't want to mess with the bull so he shut up.

Luckily my bar was successful in the years that followed after opening. It brought joy to my heart every time I saw my customers happy and comfortable. I once tried to live at the bar, sleeping and eating there, but Anzai said that wasn't healthy and dragged me back to my apartment. I cried, not wanting to be separated from my one and only true love. But I sucked it up and just enjoyed the hours I was able to be in the bar.

Love began to be a bit of a sore subject for me when I made the mistake of falling for someone in my late teen years who abandoned me after giving me my first kiss. Since then, I'd never dated nor gotten intimate with someone. I turned twenty-five recently and have been still living the life of a complete virgin with abysmal romantic experience. I had decided to accept my fate and only love those who couldn't abandon me or refuse my love. That's why I decided to only love my bar from now on and it'll only love me. A match made in heaven, right?

I let out a long sigh. Anzai bumped me with his elbow while getting a drink ready for a customer. I met his eyes.

"Don't sigh so loudly, you have customers to attend to."

Right... I shouldn't be feeling down when I've got my bar and my lovely customers all around me every night. I put on a smile and greeted a customer who just entered to sit at the bar counter.

"Good evening, what can I get you?"

"A whiskey sour please."

I grabbed a shaker and a glass to prepare his drink. We made polite conversation and as he drank, he ordered more and his words began to slur.

"You have...ssuch pretty hands," he said while holding mine.

"Why thank you, I like to visit the nail salon and moisturize!"

"Can I jus...hold 'em for a bit?" He began to gently rub my hands on his face.

I began to feel uncomfortable. "I'm afraid that's a service you'll have to pay for. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"'S no problem... I'll pay..." He pulled cash out of his pockets and I felt I had to comply with what he wanted.

Of course, even if this is a host bar where the employees will do your bidding in exchange for extra tips, I allow all of my employees to refuse when they're uncomfortable. I decided to let the man have his innocent fun with my hands if he wanted to pay for it that badly. I usually let my friends provide the services though. It'd be hard to provide service and mix drinks at the same time.

Anzai came up behind me, quietly speaking in my ear. "Are you alright? Should I help you refuse him?"

"I'm alright. He looks half-asleep anyway. I think he'll stop soon."

I put on a polite smile as the customer murmured to himself and gently held my hands. He eventually did stop, thanked me for the drinks and my time while taking out a few more bills, and hobbled out of the bar. I was glad to have such polite customers.

Once the man was gone, Anzai pulled me to the sink and began washing my hands.

"Anzai...!" I exclaimed, surprised.

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