Atsutane (part 2/6)

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"I don't take up much space in my own apartment though, and I'd love to help a friend out!" I beamed.

"I don't want to be a burden," Atsutane said.

"You're never a burden! Just stay over for a night and see how you feel. We can go from there."

"Just one night then. If it doesn't work out, I'm sure I can find somewhere else. I could even go on a trip and stay farther away from my parents."

"Do you know where you want to go next?"

"I haven't figured that out yet... I could always visit somewhere I'm familiar with though."

After we chatted for a little longer, we decided to lock the bar up and sneak out the back, trying to avoid the car that Atsutane pointed out that the butler was driving. We made it safely away under the cover of darkness and found a taxi to take us home. We parted ways with Anzai in the hallway.

"You guys live so close, it's nice!" Atsutane commented.

"Yeah," I said, "it's nice to have my best friend just across the hall from me."

"You two get some rest," Anzai said. "See you in the morning."

I showed Atsutane around my small apartment, every room was practically just a few steps away from each other. It was decent for one person, but with two it could be a little cramped. I haven't really filled the space with a bunch of furniture or decorations though. When I was considering living at the bar, I was more focused on the decorations in that place than in my own home. I figured I'd only stop by my apartment to bathe or eat.

Thinking about how small these apartments were and my dream of wanting to move in with Anzai, we would probably have to move to make it work. Not that I'd mind being so close to him if the house was barely big enough...

"It's such a nice place!" Atsutane's comment sounded sarcastic to me.

"I bet you've seen much nicer places though, right?" I smirked.

"Well... Sure... But this place is nice because you're living here! It wouldn't be for me, but it's perfect for you and that's what matters."

"Sure... Just call me poor already..."

"No! I'm not trying to be mean!" He whined.

"I'm just joking. Did you need something to eat or drink before we get ready for bed?"

"I'm alright, thank you."

We took turns using the bath and I laid some blankets and pillows on the floor next to my bed. I wasn't sure where he wanted to sleep exactly since I also had a couch in the living room. He said the floor was fine and we got settled and turned the lights off.

There was a quiet moment as I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the events of the day. Then Atsutane spoke.

"Have you ever been in a relationship, Narihira?"

"Nope..." I responded.

"So you've never kissed or been intimate with someone? How do you know you like people romantically?"

I hesitated. "Well, I've actually kissed someone before... But that was it. I know I liked him though because of the way I felt about him prior to that. He made me feel happy and hopeful. I wanted him to like me as much as I liked him. Nowadays I'm too busy with my bar and life in general to be in a relationship..." Although I secretly lamented the fact that I've never dated or gotten laid before.

"...It wasn't Anzai, was it?"

"Huh?! Of course it wasn't Anzai! What are you saying?!" I immediately leaned over the bed to look at him.

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