Rikiya (part 1/7)

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Atsutane's relationship with his parents had improved immensely. They tried to understand his sexuality and they began to live under the same roof again. They tried to not pressure him into anything and did their best to just enjoy spending time with one another. Although they were worried about what would happen after their death, that was still a long ways away. Atsutane assured them he'd do his best to be happy in his own way so they wouldn't have to worry.

It got me thinking about my parents. We rarely contacted each other as we still did our own things. They said they were proud of me for finding my calling and opening up my own bar. They've still never visited to this day though. Although it wasn't true that Atsutane's parents didn't love him, I'm afraid it could be true for me. But I try not to let it get to me. I've lived most of my life without them, I don't need them. Not that familial love doesn't sound nice though...

"Nari, could you give this drink to the customer?" Anzai was asking me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and took the drink to the customer out on the sofas. He was sitting with Rikiya and having a good time talking.

"Here's your drink, just ask if you need anything else," I beamed.

"Well if a beauty like you says so, I might have a few requests."

"Oh sorry," Rikiya chimed in," my boss is kinda lame and doesn't do requests. But don't worry, I'll do anything you want as long as you pay."

"I see... In that case, I'll keep requesting you until you get tired of me."

"No way, I never get tired! At least not until your pockets have been emptied."

The customer laughed boisterously. It seemed like he still liked Rikiya despite his blunt tongue... Rikiya waved his hand at me as if telling me to make like a tree. He annoys me sometimes... I went back behind the bar with Anzai.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. Something about Rikiya makes me curious though."

"...curious how?"

"Just his story I guess. We've been working together all these years but I realize I barely know anything about him and his family."

"I see. I think Shukishi is the only one who really knows about him."

"Oh yeah, what's with their senpai and kouhai relationship anyway? I have so many questions left unanswered."

"I'm actually not sure either..."

"Even though you and Shukishi are close?"

"We're not that close."

"You depend on him more than me!"

"...is this about when you were first opening your bar?"

"Yes, I'm still upset about it! So what!"

"I'm sorry. I'll talk to you about my concerns from now on."

"Words are empty..." I dramatically turned away.

"I promise. If something comes up, I'll talk. Put your mind at ease." He put his hand on my head and moved it side to side.

"Fine, you better." I grabbed his wrist to make him stop.

Since I was curious about Rikiya and wanted to get to know him better, I decided to make small talk whenever I could.

"Have you been enjoying working here?" I asked after hours one night. He didn't go to a hotel with anyone this time.

He stared at me with furrowed brows for a moment. I began to sweat, knowing he didn't like me but worked for me regardless. I wasn't sure what I did to gain his ire, but minding my own business all these years still hasn't doused the fire inside of him.

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