Nari & Anzai (part 3/5)

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He was quiet while he looked at me. Could I even achieve that feat? There's so much I don't know about running a business. What if I failed to recreate that atmosphere? What if I failed at even attempting to open a bar? I had already lost my home once, I didn't want to recreate it and lose it again. But Anzai's earnest eyes caused butterflies to stir inside me. This time I could tell it was the feeling of excitement at the idea of owning my own bar. I came to realize a new love of mine. It wasn't just my first love that I liked about that bar, it was the bar itself.

"...I'll do it," I said. "When I graduate, I'll study how to open my own bar and do it!"

Anzai nodded. With a goal for the future in mind, I felt excited to get older and achieve my dreams.

Before graduation, some of the graduates from last year returned to help set up the event and make speeches at our school. One of them was a man named Shukishi Nitta. He was a handsome boy with jet black hair, dark eyes, glasses, and a pleasant smile he always wore on his face. Despite his proper appearance, I heard rumors of him hooking up with several girls and never going out with anyone for long. We once crossed paths and he gave me a kind smile, sending a shiver down my spine. I hoped that smile didn't mean I was next on his list of girls he wanted to try hooking up with.

Because of the graduation event, we were reunited in the hallway. He remembered my name just as I remembered his.

"Narihira Shimohira, your hair is longer," he said, smiling politely.

"Shukishi Nitta..." I cautiously responded. He only ever went out with girls that I knew of, but I was worried he would try to hit on me as well. I would never go out with or hook up with someone like him who doesn't even care about true love like I do.

"Please call me Shukishi. And is this man the one I've heard about? Anzai Imamura, the strongest in the school?"

Anzai narrowed his eyes, looking wary of the man.

"Are you here to help out?" I asked while glancing at Anzai, hoping he wouldn't try to intimidate the perverted man in front of us. His smile wasn't faltering at all despite seeing Anzai for the first time. I doubted any threats would faze him. It'd be better to handle this peacefully.

"Yes, I am. They even begged me to come back after all. Since I was an honor student and top of the school in exams, they wanted me to encourage the other students by showing off my feats. Speaking of, are you taking your studies seriously like you're supposed to?" His smile deepened while his tone became teasing.

"I don't care as much as you did, I've kept my grades at what they need to be to graduate. If I try any harder, it'll be too much of a headache." I knew he was only working extra hard to keep up his perfect student act so the teachers would praise him and overlook any bad rumors about him.

"That's too bad. I thought you'd be a beauty and a genius, the best of both worlds."

"Don't hit on me, I know you play around!" He's the worst!

"I'm afraid I'm not into men. It's a shame you're not a girl."

Anzai stepped forward to get between us. His back looked so strong and reliable. Shukishi's eyes widened. Wait, I wanted to handle this peacefully...

"My bad, I was just joking around," Shukishi claimed.

I glanced around at the other students passing by staring at us. I put my hand on Anzai's shoulder.

"He's not worth it," I said.

Anzai hesitated before moving back to stand beside me. Shukishi's smile became wider.

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