Atsutane (part 6/6)

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"Mom! I'm so sorry I said that! I love you too!"

They hugged and I felt myself getting choked up. Anzai put his arm around me and this time I leaned against him as tears filled my vision.

His mom turned to her husband. "Aren't you going to say something now?"

The quiet man stepped forward. "...Atsutane... Everything your mother said, I feel as well. You know I'm not good with words but well... I, uh... I love you too."

"Dad! I love you!" Atsutane hugged him next. His dad awkwardly returned it. The look on his face told me he really did love his son.

After hugging each other, they sat down and talked for a long time. I stepped in the back with Anzai to give them space.

"You were right," I said. "You're always right, you know?"

"Not always."

"But you always have a keen eye for others and how they're feeling. I offered to help Atsutane, but I feel like I barely did anything for him."

He put his hand on my shoulder. "You did a lot for him, Nari. You gave him a safe place to stay, talked to him, listened to him. All I did was open a door."

"But that door was the most important part. I couldn't even do that."

"They would have figured it out eventually regardless. You being there for Atsutane was most important. With support at his back, he would have talked to them when he felt ready. They would have persisted because they love him. Don't sell yourself short."

"...maybe you're right."

"Don't give up on helping others. You're really good at it. Trust me, I know."

I searched his eyes. "...did I help you...?"

A small smile formed on his face. "Yes. I think you did." He pulled me in for a hug before I could react.

I felt stunned as he held me tightly. He smiled...and even said I helped him... Was it crazy to love him this much...? I loved him so much... And that's what made it hurt so badly when I imagined how he'd never love me back...

After we hugged for a moment, we left the back room to check on Atsutane. He waved with a bright smile on his face when he saw us.

"Hey, Nari! Thanks so much for letting me stay over at your place! I'm going home with my family now!"

I smiled and waved back. His parents bowed towards me in thanks and they thanked Anzai as well. I watched them leave. Then Anzai and I went home.

When we got to my door, there was a pause.

"My uh... My apartment got fixed," Anzai said while looking away. "I'll be out of your hair too now. Thank you for letting me stay."

"Oh... Sure." It got fixed? When? I never saw or heard anyone going in and out of his apartment.

"Good night, Nari. Sleep well." He unlocked his apartment and went inside.

I stood alone in the hallway for a moment. An odd feeling came over me like I was missing something. I couldn't understand what it was for the life of me, so I just went inside my apartment and reclaimed my bed. It felt a bit lonely now that my roommates weren't there. But I knew I'd see them at the bar. Maybe one day I'd understand what I was missing among all that happened recently. Or at least I hoped I would. 


(Do you think Anzai has been lying this chapter? 🤨 Poor Nari thinks he always has good intentions... Get ready for the next chapter, crazy stuff is going to go down. 😱) 

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