Nari & Anzai (part 5/5)

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I gently slid my shaking hand under his to hold it. It was warm. Feeling his warmth, I felt some of my worries wash away. I laid my head down so I could hold his hand and look at his sleeping face. I was so exhausted I fell asleep without realizing.

I felt something on my head and it woke me up. When I opened my eyes, Anzai removed his hand from my head and looked away. I immediately sat up.

"Anzai! You're awake! How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

"...I'm alright," he answered.

"Oh thank god..." I tried to grab his hand again but he pulled it away. Right... He was probably upset at me... "I'm so sorry this happened. I'm so stupid. I wasn't careful and I put you in harm's way. I can never forgive myself..."

"It's fine."

"It's not! I'm the worst! What kind of friend am I for going against your wishes all the time? For not listening to your advice? I totally understand if you hate me now!"

He shook his head. "I don't hate you."

"I can't believe that... If I was you, I'd hate me..."

"I don't hate you," he stressed. "What happened wasn't your fault."

"It was, though... I shouldn't have put my dream above you... Now I've gotten you hurt and I hate myself for it..."

"Narihira, don't hate yourself."


Just then, Shukishi entered.

"Oh, my bad. Were you two in the middle of something?" He asked.

"Shukishi," Anzai greeted him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He approached the bed.


His kouhai followed as well. Introductions transpired. I realized I never asked why Shukishi brought those two along.

"May I ask what you're all doing here together? Besides checking on Anzai of course..."

Shukishi beamed. "We've come to help with your bar. I figured you'd need your first set of employees and my kouhai have volunteered."

"I didn't volunteer..." Rikiya muttered. Shukishi flicked his forehead. He covered his forehead and whimpered in pain.

I stared at the boys. "You two want to help?"

"Yes! It sounds fun, working in a bar I mean!" Atsutane answered.

"I'm just doing a favor," Rikiya answered.

"And he'll work his hardest to help out!" Shukishi added. "Of course I'm offering my services as well."

I hesitated. "You'll still offer help...despite what happened to Anzai? Despite how I failed so badly? And what about your other job?"

Shukishi nodded. "I decided I wanted to go in a different direction with my career, but that's a story for another time. And of course we want to help a friend in need no matter what. Come rain or shine, we should stick together to see each other's dreams come true. Don't you think so too, Anzai?"

I looked back at him, surprised I forgot I was in the middle of apologizing and feeling sorry for myself.

Anzai nodded. "We all want to help make your dream become reality. Let us help."

I looked down at my hands. They're too nice to me... I really didn't deserve it...

"I'll get discharged and we can move all the furniture in," Anzai continued. "I feel fine to leave now." He started to get out of the bed.

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