Chapter Twenty-Two

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Darkness had never been so peaceful.

Thorin stared up at the ceiling, which was little more than blackness upon blackness, embedded with gemstones that glinted in the flickering candlelight. He'd never noticed just how many stones there were, even after the literal weeks he'd spent in this very bed not quite two years earlier. Then again, the last time he'd occupied this bed, his circumstances were far more dire, as he hovered between life and death, utterly unsure of which he preferred.

Since then, his scars ached from time to time, the ones on his belly a bit sensitive to the touch. But at that moment, he felt nothing but utter peace and perhaps the small tingling remnants of the absolute bliss that had coursed through his body earlier.

Of their own volition, his fingers skimmed lightly along the gossamer, fiery silken threads of Nina's wild curls. Her hair was softer than any other he'd ever touched, fluid and seemingly alive as it spilled through his fingers, the light catching the streaks of gold and fire running through it. Her breath whispered across his chest, and he smiled as her fingertips slid gently along his stomach.

Nina lifted her head to regard him with sleepy eyes. "I thought you'd fallen asleep."

"I've no desire to sleep. I'd rather this night not end just yet."

She shifted, resting her chin against his chest. "Narnerra has told me she's cleared me to leave. And while she didn't exactly say so, I believe that was a polite way of telling me to lose myself come morning."

He let his fingers move down, along the curve of her ear, to her cheek. "Where will you go?"

It might have been but his imagination, but he thought disappointment flashed through her unusual green eyes, but all she said, "I have a flat in Dale. And Sigrid is probably going out of her mind with worry for me."


"My roommate." Her teeth flashed in a winsome smile. "Bard's daughter."

"You live with the bowman's daughter?"

She nodded. "We've known each other since we were children. I bumped into her when I first returned to Dale and she needed a roommate as much as I needed a place to room."

"Will she object to my paying call on you? I've the feeling she is no more fond of dwarves than you were when you and I first met."

"Paying call on me?"

He nodded, letting his fingers graze along her jaw, unable to resist the feel of her soft skin. "I believe you call it courting in the world of Men."

Her eyes widened. "You wish to court me? Do you even know what that means?"

He chuckled. "I know very well what it means. And I think I would like to do so. Unless you'd rather leave here and never be bothered by me again."

Her laugh came soft and bubbly as she shook her head. "No, I'd rather not do that, if it's all the same to you."

With that, she eased over him and his breath hitched at the feel of her against him, the feel of her full breasts firm against his chest, the feel of her cleft nestling him so nicely. Her body fit perfectly against his, soft and supple as he slid his arms about her and let his fingertips dance down her spine toward the rounded curve of her backside.

Her eyes softened as they held his, and she carefully shifted to balance as she traced a finger along the line of his beard. "Do dwarves approach courting differently?"

"I wouldn't know. I've never courted anyone."

"Well, surely you know the basics."

"I'm not so certain our basics are your basics."

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