Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Well, you seem chipper."

Thorin smiled as Dís came into the Great Hall, where he sat sipping tea after finishing breakfast. "A good morning to you as well, Dís."

She drew out the chair next to his and sank into it. "Dare I ask why you are in such a good mood this morning? I went to pay Elisin a visit before breakfast, but she was not in her chambers, which leads me to wonder if she is in as chipper a mood as you?"

"I cannot possibly answer that, as she's not been in my chambers as all, if that is what you're intimating."

Dís' smile faded. "She hasn't?"

"No. Did you think she had?"

"I did, indeed. And while I should not condone it, seeing you almost cheerful would help me overlook any indiscretions."

He chuckled softly. "I hate to burst your bubble, little sister, but I did not spend the night with Elisin."

Dís' eyes narrowed. "You are still far too cheery to have been alone."

"I never said I was alone, did I?" He lifted his tea cup to his lips, drew a sip, then lowered it to add, "I simply was not with Elisin."


"What?" He set the cup down and propped an elbow on the table, resting his chin on his fist. "Should I lie and say I was alone?"

"Well... it's none of my business, really."

"No," he nodded, "it isn't, but we both know that you have a rather difficult time with minding your own matters instead of mine, so I'll humor you right now. So, you might as well ask me."

"Ask you what?"

"With whom I spent the night. I know it's driving you mad."

A hint of blush stained her cheeks and at first, she said nothing, but then, with a soft sigh, she nodded. "It is."

"I know. And if it will put your mind at ease before I confess my deep, dark secret, just know, I fully intend to ask her for her hand."


"No. The woman with whom I spent last eve."

Dís' blush deepened. "Thorin."

"What? I do."

"Who is she?"

"Her name is Nina. And she is the mercenary who traveled with us from Rivendell."

"The woman in the infirmary? Your mystery mercenary?" Dís' eyebrows almost disappeared into her hairline, they jumped so high. "But... she is of Man!"

"Yes," he nodded, lifting his cup once more, "I am well aware of that."

"And you—" she leaned closer, her voice barely a whisper, "slept with her?"

He brought the cup to his lips, then nodded, and bit back his own laughter as her jaw actually went slack. It was the first time he could recall seeing his sister utterly speechless, the sight something he wished to savor as long as he could.


"What?" He lowered the cup. "She saved my life. More than once."

"So you thought you'd repay her by sleeping with her?"

"No, don't be silly. But, I've come to know her—and don't look at me like that, you know what I mean—and in the process... I've fallen in love with her, Dís. I wish to marry her."

The look of shock mixed with hints of horror slowly faded from her face. "You love her? Truly?"

He nodded. "I do. Truly."

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