Chapter Twenty-Six

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As they made their way back down from Ravenhill, Nina leaned her head against Thorin's shoulder. "I do hate to see today end."

"There will be others, worry not."

"I hope so." Her gaze alit upon the dark stone of Erebor's façade and without thinking, she reached across with her free hand to trail her fingertips along the braid that still felt heavy against the side of her head. "Does anyone know you planned to propose to me?"

"Balin knows. He was curious when I approached him about the rune and gemstone."

"I imagine he was." Nina's stomach churned, gently at first, but then with more force as they neared the main entrance. "Do you think anyone will be troubled by this?"

"Some might." He shrugged. "But I care not, for the ones who matter will be happy for me, for us."

"I hope so."

"They will be." His fingers tightened about hers. "You will see."

She wasn't at all as certain, but kept that to herself as he led her toward Erebor's main gates. Once they crossed inside, the churning worsened, growing stronger still at the sounds of the chatter coming from the Great Hall.

"Ah, there you are!" A dwarf who bore an overwhelmingly strong resemblance to Thorin, almost down to his beard, hurried toward them, the colorful beads woven into his beard clacking wildly. "I was wondering where you'd gotten to."

The dwarf halted before them, his blue eyes sliding in Nina's directly. "Thorin? I had no idea we had a visitor."

Thorin cleared his throat. "I was wondering how long it would take for you to find me. Dís, this is Miss Nina Carren. Nina, this is my sister, the Lady Dís of Erebor."

Although she knew woman dwarves also bore facial hair, since Narnerra certainly did, Nina was still taken aback by Thorin's sister. She'd never seen a brother and sister who could almost pass for identical twins. Still, she managed to smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady. Thorin has spoken of you often."

"Has he?" Dís' eyes warmed slightly as she smiled at her brother. "He's been somewhat tight-lipped about you, I'm afraid."

"Dís." Thorin's voice was low, with a hint of warning woven into that one single word.

"Oh, I mean no insult," Dís added, a smile creeping across her lips, stretching up toward her eyes. "But, he has been and I've been more than a little curious about you since you arrived in our infirmary."

Nina couldn't quite tell if the lady was being friendly or merely polite, so she erred on the side of caution and said, "I do hope my arrival didn't through your city into an uproar. I—I'd seen the orcs bearing down on His Majesty and couldn't sit back and do nothing."

"No, of course not. And I am ever so grateful you chose to do something." A bit more warmth shone in Lady Dís' blue eyes. "And I am very happy to make your acquaintance, Miss Carren. We don't often have Daughters of Man in Erebor."

"You should probably be forewarned then," Thorin said with a hint of a smile. Nina swallowed hard and braced for Lady Dís' approval to become disapproval when he added, "For I have asked for Nina's hand and she has accepted my proposal."

Lady Dís looked from her to him and back. "Is this true?"

Nina nodded. "It is, yes."

"See for yourself." Thorin caught her braid in his hand, cradling the gemstone and rune in his palm.

Lady Dís' eyes widened. "Well, this is certainly joyous news," she said, looking back up with a smile. "And an offer of congratulations to you both. You know," she turned to Thorin, "this will call for a celebration."

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