Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV
Today I start at Mid-Wilshire Police Station. I'm so excited! I decided to transfer to my best friend and roommate Jackson West's station after I was bullied at my last one.

"Wake up!" I say excitedly as I jump into Jackson's bed, just like every other morning at 7 on the dot.
"Morning Luce." He chuckles.
"Morning." I smile and cuddle him.

After five minutes I get up and go get ready. I shower, dry my hair, do my makeup and then Jackson brushes my hair for me while I eat my breakfast.

"Braids into pigtails?" Jackson asks.
"Yes please," I say.

Once my hair is done I have a few minutes left to pick my sensory toy for today. I pick my textured tangle. Finally, I pack my ear defenders and AirPods into my backpack, pull my Converse platforms on and head out the door with Jackson.

We decide to take his car and he even stops for coffee on the way there. When we arrive we head in and Jackson takes me to roll call. My eyes flicker around the room as I observe everything going on. We take a seat and I keep looking around. My eyes land on a male. I can't seem to take my eyes off him.

Suddenly Jackson snaps me out of my trance.

"You're staring." He whispers.

I quickly turn around.

"His name's Tim," Jackson tells me.

The watch commander comes into the room and smiles at me. He waves me up to the front.

"Alright. This is Detective Lucy Chen and she is joining Mid-Wilshire from West Hollywood. Chen, do you want to say some things about yourself?" Grey asks me.

Oh. Fuck. I didn't prepare for this.

"Jackson," I whisper panicked.

Jackson stands up and comes up to the front.

"She's my roommate, loves animals, human sunshine," Jackson tells them and then grabs my hand and we sit back down.

"Urm.. Ok." Grey shrugs then continues roll call.

After roll call, Grey asks me, Jackson and two other women to stay back.

"Alright, this is Harper and Lopez. They will be your partners." Grey tells me.
"Is that the Lopez who trained you and named her kid after you?" I ask Jackson.
"That's me." Lopez smiles.

We discuss for a moment then I have to say bye to Jackson. I give him a hug and wave bye and then skip off with Angela and Nyla.

The morning goes well and then at lunch, I sit at the table with what I assume is the main group.

Including Tim.

We talk for a while before Angela, Nyla and I go back to the station. When we get back to the station I get my tangle out to play with.

"What's that?" Angela asks.
"A tangle," I tell her hoping she won't ask more questions.
"Why do you have it?" She asks.
"You won't tell anyone?" I ask, not wanting everyone to know until I find my footing.
"Promise." Both Nyla and Angela say.
"I'm autistic. It helps me." I tell them.
"Oh. Makes sense." Angela nods and then they drop it.

At the end of the day Jackson and I plop down on the couch and watch some TV. I make some chicken nuggets and chips in the air fryer. After I eat I go into my extra room and grab my pet bunnies, Clover and Winnie. Jackson and I cuddle my bunnies for a while before I put them back in their room so I can get ready for bed.

That night I sleep like a baby.

A/N I know this is short but I promise most chapters will be longer. Also, let's pretend Jackson and Lucy live in a house, not an apartment. 

I think Lucy would definitely be a bunny person. This is how I see her Bunnies (pics from Pinterest)



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