Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV
It's my birthday! I'm officially 28! Tim and I have been going on dates for about a month and I reallllyyy like him.

Work is pretty normal other than the odd 'Happy Birthday.' But when I get home I see all our work friends waiting in the kitchen for me. They all have Bunny ears on and there is Bunny everything everywhere! 

"Happy Birthday!" They all say.
"Thank you!" I grin as I look around.

Then I see Tim holding Winnie and Clover who have birthday hats on.

"Awww!" I grin and pet them.

We all talk for a while before Angela calls us to the kitchen for happy birthday. The cake is a bunny. They all sing happy birthday and I do what Tim calls my happy arms, which is one of my happy stims of flapping my arms. We all eat cake and then play Never Have I Ever with little Bunny chocolates since I'm not that big of a drinker. We also play truth or dare.

"Lucy, truth or dare," Jackson asks me.
"Are you Tim's girlfriend?" He smirks.

I shrug because I honestly don't know.

"She is if she wants to be," Tim says.

My head snaps to him and he just smiles.

"I'm Tim's girlfriend," I answer.
"Wait! That means I have a boyfriend!" I grin proudly.

The next morning when I wake up and go into Jackson's room he is already awake.

"I'm sick. Don't get in my bed." He tells me.
"Oh. Will you still be able to do my hair?" I ask while stimming nervously.
"I'm sorry. I really don't feel like it." He sighs.
"Oh. Okay." I frown and leave his room.

I quickly go to my room, put my headphones on and curl up. Before I know it I have to leave or I'll be late for work. I quickly change but I frown at how I look in the mirror. I put my hair up into a messy bun to keep the knots off my neck and then shrug and leave. I get an Uber and when I arrive Angela, Nyla and Tim are talking by our desks.

"Luce?" Angela asks worriedly.
"Jackson is sick and it messed up my morning routine," I say as my eyes fill with tears.
"Okay, how about we help you?" Nyla asks.
"Okay." I sigh.

They all wander off and then come back with a hairbrush and hair ties, a bowl of cereal and Tim has one of my stim toys in his hand.

"You left it in my car." He says softly.

I sit at my desk and eat while Nyla brushes my hair softly. They work to get my hair into two pigtails and then call it a day.

"It's no Jackson-level good, but it's something," Tim says.
"Thank you." I smile.

After that, my day is pretty good. Tim drops me off at home after work and kisses me goodbye.

"Night Bunny."

A/N Thank you to @Symoneloverboy for giving me the idea of Jackson being sick and the others helping Lucy.

I kinda hate this chapter but oh well.

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