Chapter 6

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Tim's POV

Lucy and I have been dating for a few weeks and I really like her. I might even love her but it's way too early to say that. I'm watching football at mine on Saturday, it's around lunchtime when I get a call from Jackson. I quickly answer.

"I need you to come over. It's Lucy." He says.

I don't ask any questions I just hang up and dash out to my car and start driving. When I get inside Jackson greets me with a sigh.

"She's burnt out." He tells me.

"Oh. Uhm, how can I help?" I ask.

"Please go lay with her. She needs all the support she can get." Jackson says.

I go into Lucy's room and see her lying in the dark just staring at the wall.

"Hey, Bunny," I say softly.

"Tim?" She asks softly.

"Mm, I'm here." I hum and climb into her bed.

Lucy scootches closer to me and cuddles up to me.

"What's going on with you?" I ask while smoothing down her hair.

"I feel empty." She sighs.

"Do you get this feeling often?" I question her.

Lucy just shrugs.

"How do you usually fix it?"

"Lay in bed till I feel better." She whispers.

"Okay. Then I guess I'll be lying here till you feel better too."

Lucy sleeps for a few hours of the day and then she stares for a bit before Jackson comes in.

"Luce, you need to shower." He says.

"I had one yesterday," Lucy tells him.

"Don't care. You know how bad it hurts to brush your hair when you don't condition it." Jackson tells her.

Lucy sighs and gets up. She then grabs my hand and tubs me into her ensuite.

"Bunny?" I ask.

"I wanna shower together," Lucy says.

"Uh-" I try but she's already undressing herself.

My brain breaks a bit as I see her body but I manage to not stare too much. We get in the shower and she cuddles up to me. I gently wash her hair, condition it and wash her body. Then I let her keep herself attached to me as I wash myself. We hop out and I wrap Lucy in her towel then I wrap up in one she hands me. I help her change into some comfy clothes, and get dressed then we go to the kitchen where Jackson is cooking dinner. We eat then Lucy and I cuddle up in her bed and watch TV. I help her feed Winnie and Clover before we go to bed.

In the morning when I wake up Lucy is clearly in a much better mood.

"I have no clue what was up with me yesterday but I'm feeling lots better today. I think you just fix me." She jumbles out.

"Move in with us?" Lucy asks.

I don't even have to think about my answer.


A/N Kinda a flop chapter but sooner or later there will be longer chapters.

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