Chapter 7 (Updated)

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Lucy's POV
The next weekend is very busy. Tim moves all his things into the house and then I help him pack them away. More like I tell him where to put things. That night we have all our friends come over. I set the bunnies up in the backyard in their pen so the kids can pet them and hold them, obviously with me watching like a hawk.

"Mum, can I get a pet bunny for my birthday?" Lila asks Nyla.
"Ohh.. no." Nyla chuckles.

Lila pouts but keeps holding Clover while helping baby Jack and Leah pet Winnie.

Jackson brings me over a beer.

"I won't let anything happen. Just one beer?" Jackson asks.
"Fine," I say and grab it, having a swig.

I tug a blanket over my lap as I cuddle up in Tim's lap. We all talk and then the conversation moves on to Tim and I's relationship.

"Have you guys had sex yet?" Angela cheekily says.
"Angela." Tim hisses.
"So you haven't?" She asks.

I'm just red in the face.

"Why not?" Nyla chimes in.
"Would you two quit asking questions? I'm literally gonna go for it tonight but if you keep talking about it I won't be able to do it!" I huff.

I instantly realise what I just said and I turn in Tim's lap and hide my face in his chest.

Everyone is silent for a moment before Tim just chuckles.

"Maybe I should stop at one beer tonight. I think I don't wanna forget tonight." He says.

I look up and giggle.

That evening as we eat dinner we discuss boundaries.

"So... is there anything you don't like?" Tim asks me.
"Uhm. I don't like being tied up or blindfolded, it freaks me out. I also don't wanna be like punished. So just no BDSM kinda stuff." I tell him.
"Okay, that's good with me, I don't want to hurt you." He asks.
"Anything you don't like?" I ask him now...
"Same as you." He chuckles softly.
"Cool. Uhm, for tonight can you just be like, gentle? I haven't ya know... for a while." I whisper.
"Of course."

We finish our dinner and put our plates in the dishwasher. 

I look up into Tim's eyes. He gently lifts my chin and kisses me. Tim lifts me up into his arms and I wrap my arms and legs around him. He walks us to my room and drops me on the bed. We kiss and strip each other. Just before he pushes in I break our kiss and look in his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Bunny."

Those are our last words before we take the next step.

It's safe to say, in the morning I'm very sleepy.

A few weeks later, it's Angela's wedding. We are all buzzing around before the wedding when suddenly no one can find Angela, nor Jackson.

That night, I got the worst news I've ever received.

Jackson was murdered.

A/N sorry for disappearing for a few days and then coming back with once again a short chapter but I'm hoping the next chapter will be long. Anyways, don't hate me!

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