Chapter 3

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A/N TY for all the nice comments! 

Lucy's POV

The next morning I'm extremely excited to see Tim. I wizz through my morning routine. Jackson puts my hair in braids to buns with little butterfly clips in the braid. When we get to work I go right over to what I would say is our friend group. 

"Morning Lucy," Tim says.
"Hi." I smile.
"What's going on here?" Angela smirks.

Tim just ignores her. He gently turns me so he can see the back of my head.

"That's cute. Who did your hair?" He asks.
"Jackson did." I smile.
"Damn West." Nyla laughs.
"Does Jackson always do your hair?" Aaron asks.
"He's got some skills. You always have such cute hairstyles." Celina chimes in.

Jackson smiles proudly.

We all talk for a few more minutes before everyone heads off to start their work so I'm left with Tim alone.

"Soo..." I say awkwardly.
"Is it ok if I am straight up?" Tim asks.

Uh oh.

"I want to take you out sometime. On a date." He says softly.
"I'd really like that." I grin.
"Uh- cool. Is today too soon?" Tim asks.
"Yes. It's just Jackson and I were going to watch TV and order in tonight and I hate changing my plans but-" I word vomit.
"Hey, shh. It's okay. When works for you?" Tim smiles softly.
"Tomorrow," I say.
"I'll text you details." He tells me before heading off for patrol.

The day drags on and that night while Jackson and I are eating dinner in front of the TV my phone chimes.

Your best co-worker (Tim)

I quickly open it to see a text and two pictures.

Hey, I was thinking Rossoblu, I'm sure you've heard of it but it's Italian. PS, the first bunny is me, the second one is you. 

The first picture is of a bunny in a car with its front legs on the steering wheel.

In the second picture, there is a bunny in a car on the seat with a little crown on.

I blush at the text. I quickly type out a text.

Sounds good. PS, my address is 2733 Elmhurst Drive, Apartment 610. So I can be your passenger Bunny.

Jackson just laughs at my text, obviously snooping on our texts. I receive a new text from Tim.

Cool. Also, just found your new nickname.

What is it?

I text back.

Wait and find out.

The next evening after work as soon as I get home I start to get ready. I put on a cute pastel yellow summer dress as I always get overstimulated in fancy dresses. I also put on my platformed Converse as always. I do light makeup with eyeliner and a hint of yellow eyeshadow.

At 5:30 Tim knocks on the door but I'm trying to fit my ear defenders in my purse.

I hear Jackson open the door. A moment later I skip out of my room and see Tim and Jackson talking. Tim has a beautiful bouquet of tulips.

"Hi." I smile.
"Hey. You look beautiful. Though I look a bit overdressed." Tim chuckles.

I notice his suit. He now looks overdressed compared to me but does look hot.

"Oh. Well, good thing you look good in a suit." I shrug.

He smiles and hands me the tulips. I put them in a vase and then we head off. I'm a bit nervous as we arrive at the restaurant. What if it's loud? We heading and Jesus Christ it's loud. I mindlessly follow Tim to our table. I know he's trying to talk to me but I can't hear him. It's so loud, and there are so many scents mixed together.

Tim's POV
I try to ask Lucy what she wants for dinner but she doesn't answer. I look up at her and see her eyes flickering everywhere. 

"Lucy?" I ask.

I notice she's doing what I now know is a stim. She taps each of her fingers to her thumb. She looks really uncomfortable and I realise taking her here was a bad idea. I get out of my chair and squat in front of her.

"Luce? Can you hear me?" I ask her. 

Her eyes flicker to mine for a moment then down to my shirt, she nods slightly.

"Do you need to get out of here?" I ask.

Another small nod.

"Okay. Do you have anything I can grab that will help you right now?" I ask.

Once again, a small nod. She points to her purse the her ears. I open her purse and see some ear muffs. I quickly put them over her ears and she calms a bit. She smiles a bit and then I stand up. I reach my hand out for her to grab and we leave. Usually, I would be annoyed I had to get interrogated by Thorson for nothing but it's for Lucy so I don't care.

We get to the car and climb in.

"I'm sorry," Lucy whispers.
"Hey, no, it's okay," I tell her.
"I ruined our first date." She frowns.
"No. Who wants some shit fancy dinner anyways? You pay like $60 for the smallest steak and you still end up ordering in after. So maybe we could go somewhere quiet or back to mine. Oh wait, you probably want yours." I realise.
"Mine? We could order Chinese?" Lucy suggests.

Lucy's POV
I wait for Tim to answer. He starts the car and starts to drive towards mine.

"Sounds great." He says but then adds. "Bunny." 

The nickname he thought of.

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