Chapter 11

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A/N Sorry for getting sloppy with uploads I've been super busy.

Now I kinda have to break something to you all. I'm going to be going on holidays in a week for a week and I won't be able to upload. On top of this, it's my birthday on Saturday. So I may not post that day either.

Sorry for the short part. I'll try get another one out today or tomorrow!

Lucy's POV
Two weeks later it's Christmas. I'm still recovering but I'm still excited. The night before, we watch the Polar Express as it's my one Christmas tradition. In the morning I wake up at 6 and quickly shake Tim awake, not caring about my routine.

"Wake up!" I say excitedly.

Tim groans a bit as he awakes.

"What time is it?" He asks groggily.
"6... But that doesn't matter. It's Christmas!" I grin.

Tim chuckles and gets up.

"Okay then." He smiles.

We go to the lounge room where the tree is set up and start opening the presents we got each other. There's not loads of stuff but there is still plenty.

Once we open our presents I cuddle Tim and say thank you, expecting that to be it.

"I have one last surprise for you." He says.
"Really?" I ask excitedly.

He instructs me to close my eyes which I do so enthusiastically.

I hear him leave the room and then return a moment later.

"Okay, I'm going to put it in your lap." He says.

I nod excitedly and then I feel a light weight in my lap.

"Open your eyes," Tim tells me.

I open my eyes, look down and burst out crying.

"A bunny." I grin as I cry.
"You like it right?" He asks, clearly nervous.
"I love it. Omg, it's so cute." I coo looking down at the little baby fluff-ball.

I lift it up and snuggle the bunny.

"It's a girl because I'm not sure we can handle many more bunnies." Tim chuckles.
"Do I get to name it?" I ask.
"Yeah." He nods.
"Bonnie the Bunny." I grin.
"Bonnie, Winnie and Clover. I like it." He smiles and pets the bunny.

For the rest of the day, I spend lots of time with Bonnie as well as making sure all three of them get along well. That evening all of our friends from work came over for dinner.

As usual, I set up the bunnies pen in the lounge room so the kids can pet and play with them while we all talk.

Everyone brings their organised food so no one was stressed to make lots of food. Aaron being Aaron brings drinks.

We all eat and then watch home alone.

Once the kids start to get sleepy everyone heads off. Tim and I clean up a bit, put the bunnies away and then I grab his hand and tug him to our room while giggling cheekily.

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