Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV
We arrive at my apartment and unlock the door. Tim and I go in and we are treated by Jackson coming out of his room with a concerned look. I take off my ear defenders.

"What happened?" Jackson asks.
"It was too loud for me." I shrug.
"We're just going to hang out here and order in," Tim says.
"Ohhh. I'll stay out of your way if you can order me some too." Jackson smiles.
"Fine." I giggle. 

Jackson says thank you and goes to his room.

"So..." Tim says.
"Let's go see Clover and Winnie!" I smile and grab his hand.

I take him to my spare room. It's where the bunnies are and also where all my sensory things are. It also has a sensory swing and a TV.

"Woah," Tim says as we go into my spare room.
"Yeah." I grin.

I move the barrier that splits the room in half so the bunnies can free range on half the room. I grab Clover and Winnie and sit in the pile of squishmallows. Tim sits next to me and I hand him Winnie. Through the night we sit with the bunnies, eat our food and talk. Eventually, I start to get tired.

"I should head home," Tim says softly.
"What. No." I pout.
"Bunny, you're tired." He says.
"Stay... not for sex or anything! Just sleep." I blurt.

Tim takes a moment to think before nodding.

"Okay. Let's get you to bed ok?" Tim says.

I nod. I fill the Bunnies water, top up their food and get them settled. We head to my room. I grab my pyjamas and change in the bathroom. When I get back Tim is coming back into my room with a pair of Jackson's sweats. He changes and then we climb into my bed. I move closer to him a look in his eyes. Tim pulls me close and I cuddle into his chest. There's so much tension even I can notice it. Tim tilts my chin up and softly leans in a kisses me. I kiss back for a moment before burning myself in his chest while giggling.

"You're so cute." Tim chuckles and kisses my head.

I eventually drift off to sleep. In Tim's arms.

In the morning I wake up at 6:50 like every other day. I decide I want to loop Tim into my morning routine so I wake him up.

"Timmmm," I say quietly.
"Hm?" He hums as his eyes blink open.
"We have 10 minutes before we need to go wake Jackson up," I tell him.
"Oh. Why?" Tim asks.
"Because it's part of my morning routine. Look on my wall above your head." I tell him.

He looks up and sees my morning routine which is neatly written on some paper and stuck on my wall.

"Hm. Looks like I have a bit of cuddle time left." Tim smiles and then cuddles me.

At 7 on the dot I drag Tim out of bed and we go to Jackson's room. Tim stands beside Jackson's dresser while I climb into Jackson's bed and wake him up like every morning.

"Did you have a sleepover?" Jackson smirks.
"EW! Not that kind of sleepover." I huff.

After five minutes of cuddles, I hop up. Tim hangs out in my room as I shower, dry my hair and do some light makeup. Then I bring Tim to the kitchen where Jackson sits and starts brushing my hair while I eat my breakfast. 

"Bubble braids please," I tell Jackson.

Tim and I talk while Jackson does my hair. Then once I'm done I pack my backpack and then put my shoes on.

"Ready?" I ask the boys.
"Yep." They both nod.

Tim drives me to work and Jackson drives his own car. 

When we get into the station as I start walking over to my desk Tim says something.

"Hey, Bunny?" He asks.

I turn and see him behind me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

He quickly pecks me and then smiles.

"Have a good day." He says.

I just stand there blushing and broken as he walks off.

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