Chapter 12

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A/N Sorry this took so long to get out, I was on holiday overseas and couldn't upload. Anyways, enjoy!

Lucy's POV
A few weeks later Tim and I are leaving the house for work. As we get into his car I notice mine isn't there.

"Where's my car?" I ask.
"I-I don't know," Tim says.
"My fucking car got stolen." I frown.
"Okay, let's not panic Bunny. We will tell the patrol officers to look out for it and we can get you on patrol with me and we will look out for it. Okay?" Tim suggests.
"Right. Okay." I nod, taking a few breaths to calm myself while also doing a stim.

That day, as Tim and I are on patrol I spot my car on the side of the road.

"Tim!" I grin pointing at it whilst doing my happy stim of flapping my arms.

Tim chuckles a bit at my stim but pulls over.
We get out and I see someone next to it.

"Stop right there, put your hands on the car," I tell them. "You're under arrest for auto theft."
"No, you don't understand! I didn't steal the car, the guy who owns it lent it to me but he lost the keys." Says what turns out to be a teen girl.

"I'm the guy who owns the car," I tell her.
"You didn't even lock it, what did you expect?" The teen snipes back.
"It doesn't exactly lock..." I wince.
"Lucy!" Tim scolds me making me wince again.

"It does now." The girl butts in.
"How did you fix it?" I scrunch up my face.
"It was easy. Just popped off the door panel. Took like two minutes." She shrugs.

I finally look in my car and see it's full of stuff.

"Wait... are you living in here?" I ask. "How old are you?" I add.
"16..." she tells me.
"What's your name?" Tim asks her.
"Tamara." She says.

"Where are your parents?" Tim asks before I can.
"Dead." The teen says dryly.
"Alright, anything in here that's gonna stick me? Needles, knives?" Tim asks as he looks through the car.

"How long have you been living on the street?" I ask curiously.
"A year. Careful with that!" Tamara says as Tim grabs a teddy bear.

I grab it off him and hand the teddy to the girl.

"Sorry, it Must be hard living like this," I say.
"What do you care?" The teen sasses me.
"Uh...I-I'm not gonna press charges," I tell her.
"Seriously?" Tamara asks.

"Yeah, it's my car, my prerogative." I shrug.
"Tim, talk to me over there, you wait here," I say.

I grab Tim's arm and drag him over to the shop.

"We need to help her," I tell him.
"Sweetie, I know you want to help because you're just so loving and sweet like that but how would we even help her?" Tim says softly to me.
"Foster her." I shrug.

"I mean we have a spare room." I shrug, knowing Jackson would not mind.
"Are you ready for that?" Tim asks.
"Yes! I am, I really wanna do this. Even if it's just for a bit." I tell him.

Tim sighs.

"Okay. We'll ask if she wants us to foster her." Tim gives in.

I quickly hug him.

"Alright..." I say as we move back to Tamara.
"I wanna ask if you'd like to come live with us," I ask.
"Us?" She asks.

I point my finger between Tim and I.

"Ohhhh. Is he like your boyfriend?" Tamara asks.

"Fiancé," Tim says.

"I can see it... but are you sure you want me? You really don't have to do this, you don't know me." Tamara shrugs.

"I want to," I say certain.

Tamara looks at Tim with a questioning look on her face.

"I'm fine to have you around." He shrugs.
"Okay." Tamara gives in.

I grin and hug her.

"I'll take the rest of the day off," I tell her.

I leave Tamara with Tim while I make a phone call to Grey asking for the day, which he agrees to.

I take Tamara home and we get to know each other while we pet the bunnies.

That evening after Tamara goes to bed Tim and I are cuddling in bed.

"I love you," I say.
"I love you too." He smiles.
"How many kids do you want?" I ask.
"As many as you want. It's your body." Tim shrugs.
"Tim?" I ask.

"Never leave me," I say while cuddling close.
"I would never, bunny." He says, kissing my hair before we both drift off.

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