Patrochilles cuddles!

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I totally forgot about this one ship that keeps me up at night! I know it really isn't part of the Riordanverse but I don't give two shits!
*Achilles Pov*
All I wanted was to see Patroclus. To see his beauty. Luckily the battle ended for the night. The whole prophecy has Patroclus on edge. I needed to there to reassure him. I also need to touch him. I wanted to feel him again.

I trucked along to mine and Patroclus's tent. I was exhausted after the battle. I opened the tent and Patroclus was pacing the tent.

"Hey Pat." I smiled. He stopped at the sound of my voice. He turned and his frown turned into a wide grin.

"Your safe!" He ran up and hugged me tightly.

"I am." I hugged him back.

"Oh my gods how was the battle? Did you get hurt?"

"Pat I can't get hurt." I laughed.

"But still I was worried! You know the prop-." I cut him with a kiss.

"Let's not worry about the prophecy." I suggested breaking the kiss. Pat frowned but then smiled.

"Get in more comfortable clothes, I'm going to check if anyone is hurt." He kissed my cheek then left the tent. I stared down at myself. I was covered in blood. I sighed and got changed into more comfortable clothes. I washed my face and arms.

I laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling of our tent. I was fighting to keep my eyes open but they closed from exhaustion. I felt myself drifting in and out of sleep.

A pair of skinny but strong arms wrapped around my waist. I knew it was Patroclus. He turned me around so my face was facing his.

"You look adorable asleep, good night my love." He kissed my forehead softly. I buried my head into his chest and sleep finally took me over.
The next morning I slowly opened my eyes. I was met with Patroclus bare chest. My face heated up as I adjusted myself, trying not to wake him up. Patroclus was snoring lightly, drool falling from his mouth. I wiped it away and closed his mouth. I watched his chest rise and fall. His arms were still tightly wrapped around me. I lightly drew circles on his side. He looked so peaceful.

I smiled knowing that this man stole my heart. He was my world.

"I love you Pat!" I whispered. Patroclus smiled in his sleep and I kissed his cheek.

I'm going to cry so hard when I finish the Song of Achilles. They are just so perfect! I love them with my whole being!

Am I breaking my rule to not post till July 26th? Yes! I'm back from my break people! My funk/depression is over, I hope. I will also be posting the new Malconnor fic. It's called Tricks Vs Wisdom! That book is filled to the brim with angst so prepare to cry sunflowers!

Have a great day/night!

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