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(AU that you could date girls in the Hunters of Artemis.)

*Thalia's Pov*
I stood over Grover, Percy, and Annabeth's grave. They died years ago but I couldn't seem to get over it. Leo, Piper, Will, and Nico, Jason, Frank, and Hazel's were also here. All of them were in a line. All of them died years ago. Why couldn't I get over them?

"How could you leave me Annie?" I whispered crouching down. A tear slipped out while I rubbed my thumb over her name. "We were a family." I stood back up and stepped to Percy's grave.

"You better be taking care of Annabeth. If you aren't so help you I will find a way to hurt a ghost. But threats aside, you were a great friend. I'm glad you got to live your life to the fullest. Take care of Annie for me. See ya soon kelp face."

I stepped to the side and looked down at Grover's grave. "Hey buddy. How you doing? You with Juniper? How's she doing? I wanted to say, thank you for always protecting everyone you cared for. I will never forget you but I am mad at you for leaving me. No I'm mad at Hades. Do you think I should hurt him? I haven't beaten a god in 10 years. I'll think about it. See ya later Grover." I got up and walked a few graves down.

"Hey Jase." I kneeled down. If right on cue it started to drizzle. "How's everyone doing? Tell everyone I said hello will ya? Reyna and I are going strong. She is the most beautiful woman I know. She's smart and brave." It started to rain a bit harder. "Did you find a hot ghost girlfriend or boyfriend? Anyways, Jason I think you are the only man I would protect in my life. But I failed that. I love you brother." I got up and started slowly walking down. I grazed my hand on the tombstones as the rain started to soak me.

I walked back and forth, running my hand on there tombstones. I stopped at each one, remembering a memory I shared with them. I told them all about how there families were doing. How grown up there kids got. How Camp was doing. How the gods were doing. How there siblings were doing. This went on for more then an hour. When I got back to Grover's grave I stopped. I looked back at the back of the graveyard. I sighed and looked at all my friends.

Should I go back there? Is it worth it?

"What should I do?" I asked aloud. As on cue the wind blew a leaf in the direction of his grave. I sighed and turned, I made my way to the back of the graveyard.

As I approached his grave memories started to flow back. I knelt down.

"Hey Luke." I smiled sadly. "It's been awhile. I know I don't come to your grave a lot. I'm sorry. What you did hurt me so much. I'm glad Annie broke you out of whatever happen to you. You sacrificed your life for the better. I'm glad you chose to be a hero. I forgive you. I was stupid to hold a grudge that long." Tears started to stream down my face. Luke was kinda right. The gods are jerks. All my friends died from protecting or sacrificing their lives for the gods and they didn't even bat an eye. They could just make more kids.

It's not fair. "What did you guys do to deserve this?" I whispered. It was now pouring. Ironic isn't?

"Amor?" A voice spoke from behind me.

"Yes Reyna?" I turned and faced her. She had an umbrella which she put over me and her. She squated down and wiped some tears away.

"I know it's hard but they're in a better place." She helped me stand and pulled me into a hug.

"I miss them Rey." I faltered.

"I miss them too, but I know them. They would want us to live our lives. And that's what they did. I know they were happy when they died, I just know it." Reyna hugged me even tighter. I tried to speak but I couldn't form any words.

After 3 minutes I finally got the words right, "How are you so calm about them? I know they died like 5 years ago but you aren't still in mourning?"

"Well being the leader of a Roman camp for years, watching your loved ones die, and also being apart of the Hunters of Artemis I've kind a excepted death. It takes time for different people Thals, you could heal in a year or you could heal in a decade but all you need is to keep going. It will be hard but I'm here for you every step of the way." She explained.

"Thank you love, your the best." I said as I calmed down a bit.

"Do you want to stay for a bit longer?" Reyna asked.

"Come on let's get going. I don't want you to catch a cold." I slipped out of the hug and grabbed her hand.

"Me get a cold? Amor you've been in the rain all this time so you'll be the one who gets the cold." She rolled her eyes. Me and her walked back to the rest of the group.

(Reyna and Thalia did get in fact get a cold.)

Hey sunflowers! I was feeling angsty today so here you go but this is also has a message in it.

Healing is a very weird experience. It could take a year or a decade but you will heal. It's different for a lot of people. You all are so strong! I love you all♡ You will get through it!

Bye sunflowers and know that you aren't alone!

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