Lighting the Fire

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After the opening, the sound of a motorcycle is heard. Yang Xiao Long is riding Bumblebee with Shay D. Mann and Donald Azuris through a forest in Anima.

Yang: How much further, pal?

Shay: This should just about do it.

Yang stops her bike at a clearing.

Shay: You two wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear.

Shay dismounts from the bike and runs into the bushes. Yang shakes her head in annoyance and discards her sunglasses, sleeve and coat tails before stretching a little. Donald leans against the bike and crosses his arms.

Donald: He really is just insulting our intelligence at this point, isn't he?

Yang: Yeah, I'm kind of surprised that the bandits are just as dumb as they look. 

Suddenly, someone pulls the trigger of a gun and Yang blocks the shot with her arm. Shay reappears with several bandits in tow.

Shay: I can't believe you two were dumb enough to let me lead you here.

The bandits present all have their weapons drawn at Yang and Donald.

Yang: Is this everyone?

Shay: (chuckling) Yes, little lady. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way.

He gestures behind him with his thumb. Yang points a finger in the same direction.

Yang: That way?

Shay: (grunting in confusion and looking at his tribe mates first) Yes. That way.

Yang: Good to know. Thanks.

Shay: Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take your bike. And you're going to take your lumps (punches his fist as he says this).

Yang engages Ember Celica on her left arm. The bandits get cautious and keep their weapons trained on her.

Shay: (aiming his gun) You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart. But you really ought to think twice about fighting all—

He cuts off when Yang engages the gun on her robotic arm. The rest of the bandit's gasp as Donald cracks his knuckles and neck.

Donald: You know, we mostly had a peaceful journey, so stretching out our legs would be a good idea. Just don't go down easily, will ya?

Shay: Alright... Get them!

The first bandit decides to rush her with his bayonet outfitted rifle but Yang kicks at his legs to knock him off balance and punches him into the ground. Another bandit tries to rush Donald with a knife, but he grabs him by the forearm, punches him in the gut, the delivers a left hook to his face and roundhouse kicks him to the ground.

A second bandit tries to swipe at Yang with his machete, but she dodges with a cartwheel in order to kick his arm away and doges another swipe before kicking him away. She then uses her prosthetic to block a volley of shots from a group of bandits firing their rifles, before proceeding to kick off another machete-wielding bandit to backflip and knocking all the rifle-wielding bandits down with a twirling kick.

A female bandit tries to engage Yang in hand-to-hand, but she is knocked down by Yang's prosthetic. Yang uses her metal arm again to block a strike from another machete bandit, before uppercutting him with said arm. Yang then steps on the Shady Man's foot, knocking him to the ground, before Yang delivers a left twirling kick to a trio of bandits that try to attack her from behind. As Yang tosses another bandit to the ground, the Shady Man gets back up and fires his pistol at Yang, though she dodges the shot. Donald dropkicks one bandit before engaging with another who swung a chain, after dodging a few sings, he grabs it and pulls her into a punch before kicking her away, as he dodges another punch and flips the man over his shoulder and stomps on him, knocking him out.

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