Character Bio: FBC (Fresh Baked Cookies) Volumes 4-8

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Full Name: Fresh Baked Cookies, FBC, Cookie

Age: Unknown, Reactivated 10 years ago

Height: 6'0"

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Metal Color: Gray and Blue

Appearance: FBC appears as an older model of the Atlesian droids used in the military, but for unknown reasons, they're model was discontinued. FBC appears as a gray and blue humanoid robot with round sky-blue eyes, or optical sensors, capable of perceiving and detecting anything nearby, even thermal/night vision is a possibility. They also have a set of wires tied into a sort of bun on their head, giving the impression that they have hair. They have been repainted and have been given a symbol on their chest, their fore arms and lower legs are painted dark blue, with the left leg being light blue in contrast, they also have a bitten cookie on their chest, representing their namesake. They don't have a mouth, but where a mouth would be is primarily where FBC's voice comes from, the robot appears sturdy and lean in their build. Their core is deep at the center of their being and was made from Rody and Isabella, running purely off of the life-force of the Champion, as long as the Champion lives, FBC will live or function.

Attire: FBC doesn't typically where cloths, but they do have a black cloak they can wear to blend into crowds. Also, they carry a bag with them, even though they have a storage place in their chest.


Mini force field: FBC has the ability to generate an Aura like shield around their body, in case they come across people who can deal serious to their person. It acts like Aura, in the sense that too much damage or use will cause it to shatter and fail, it can even be used to attack people if they channel it to a specific part of their body.

Medicinal STIM's: FBC has the ability to produce STIM's, which can heal people should the need arise to do so. This mainly comes from the fact that they're main function is to protect, nurse, and heal those in need of it, and they don't discriminate too much about. The STIM's have been able to heal broken bones in a very short amount of time, take away most illnesses, and can even accelerate the cell's body to regenerate tissue, provided the appropriate amount is given. They only ever have five at a time, so they use them as sparingly as possible, since it takes a while to make new ones.

Rifle/Canon Hand: FBC is not without tools to use at their disposal, they have the ability to produce a rifle like feature with their left arm, allowing them fire off bullets at a quick rate. This makes them able to participate in a fire fight with their enemies, should the need arise to do so. The canon feature uses power from the core to use, but since the core recharges on its own, FBC never has to run out, but too much of the power expended will cause them to enter low power mode, making them incapable of fighting. The canon takes a while to charge up, but the principal is simple but effective, more charge time means more powerful blast from the canon.

Saw Sword: In their right arm, they can produce a saw blade from their knuckle, allowing them to engage with the sword, and deal more damage while they're at it with the buzzing saw feature that comes with it. They don't like using it that much, but it's convenient when FBC needs it most, and it's particularly efficient with killing Grimm.

Proficiency in Hand-to-Hand Combat: After downloading a bunch of martial arts movies to their data banks. This allows them to become incredibly skilled in the art of hand-to-hand combat, putting them on the likes of Yang and Isabella, and since they don't tire out, this makes them all the more exhausting to fight against. 

Medical and Tactical Knowledge: Due to being a nurse robot, FBC has a wide expense of medical knowledge and even knows certain healing procedures that most regular doctors don't. This makes them invaluable with being the healer of Rody's group, and being able to take care of themself, should the need arise to. Being a robot, FBC has access to tactics of the battlefield, making them second to only Rody, since it takes time to calculate all of it, however, FBC can also enter a sort of insta kill state. The only thing on their mind is to protect and destroy all those seeking to bring harm to who they are supposed to protect.

While FBC doesn't remember much from their days of being in Atlas's military, they seem more than content with living their life as a nurse bot and friend to the Azuris boys. They've been with them since Rody was 6, when they were reactivated, and has since then been given the ability to learn and speak for themself. Essentially, FBC is the first robot to be given intelligence and sentience, with the ability to choose and think for themselves and FBC ultimately chose to side with the Champion, since their family treats them as if they were an actual person, especially Rody and Donald. FBC is generally kind, generous, and worrisome when they get into dangerous situations. They don't really mind going off and traveling if it means ensuring that their friends are safe and protect from danger, even if it means risking it all to do so. FBC was named by Rody when he 6, so that would explain FBC's given namesake, and why they also have the ability to bake cookies for themself. FBC is also quite perceptive of emotions, since nursing and healing is what their primary objective is. FBC's current objective is to help Rody and Donald with their goals, ensure their safety, and bring peace back to Remnant.

Likes: Likes: His friends, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Qrow, technology, his master, Ozpin, Oscar, Mistral.

Dislikes: Cinder and her team, Salem, Salem's Inner Circle, Ozpin, Neopolitan, Miguel Diaz, The White Fang, Happy, and wearing clothes.

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