So That's How It Is

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Yang: Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?

Team RWBY and Donald all angrily glare at Ozpin, whose head is still down. He looks up, with tears streaming down his face. Qrow Branwen just looks away. FBC sits down and places their head in their hands. Rody walks away and drops to his knees, tears streaming from Isabella and Rody as Rody contemplates what he's heard.

Ozpin: I--

Yang: (enraged) There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was, okay?!

Ozpin doesn't say anything, he just hangs his head back down in shame.

Ruby: Professor... (Ozpin looks up at her) What is your plan to defeat Salem?

Ozpin: I... don't have one... She (points to Rody) was my only real solution, but...

FBC: You bet it all on Isabella to win?

They all turn to Rody as Donald walks over in anger.

Donald: I gave you everything. I fought for you. Trained under you. Bled for my family and this is how you repay us?! By lying to us for years with some, false sense of hope that we could win against someone who couldn't even be killed?!? You once said I would be able to finally take revenge against her, for what she did and what she created that murdered my family and stole my home!! The people you loved, they don't even know about this, do they?! But now?! I can't even have that!! My purpose, my Order's purpose, means nothing!! And you had the audacity to smile and tell me and MY brother that everything would be alright?!?! How dare you!!

Yang: Don...

Donald: No! I want to hear from you Bella! Say something!!

Isabella: (tears stream down her face) I... I didn't know how to tell you it. I've lived far longer than any human should naturally live. Seen too many things. If I told the people I loved, the people I cared about, that it wasn't possible to even win against her! My brother turned against me, and I became afraid! Afraid that everyone would eventually join her to bring about the end! I wanted you and Rody to live normal lives, to be like everyone else, and not be burdened with this-this hellish nightmare!

Donald: Bullshit!

Ozpin: Donald... Please-

Suddenly, Qrow punches Ozpin in the face, sending him into a nearby tree trunk.

Qrow: No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...

Ozpin: (tearfully) But you are!

Qrow: Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...

Ozpin stares back in disbelief upon hearing Qrow say that, before looking down dejected.

Ozpin: Maybe you're right...

Blake: ...Rody?

Rody: ...You lied to me.

Isabella shuts her eye as more tears stream out of it.

Isabella: (tearfully) I never wanted... It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Rody: You lied to me for years. You found me abandoned when no one else wanted me. You said I could be a hero. Someone with the power to save everyone. But now, I'm cursed. I'm cursed to live and die like Djin, fighting against a calamity who seeks the end. (tears start forming) I called you mom, I loved you and everyone like family and you didn't trust us with the truth, even about the Champion! Now, I don't even know what's going to happen to me! You said you loved me and Donnie, but you didn't even trust us?! No, I'm done being somebody elses toy or pawn in this damn story! It's my life damn it! I want to live and make my choices for myself!! 

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