Sixteen: XPLR Flashback

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The morning sunbeams woke me; however, I can’t help but to recall the memory I had before I slept. I let the flashback wash over me: 

After Sam and I decided to keep our relationship secret for the time being, we haven’t really recorded anything new. I get off of my bed and exit my bedroom and walk across to Sam’s door. I knocked four times.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

I turn the handle, and peer inside. Strange. He’s not here. I hear the bathroom door open, I turn to face the door in the hall. He walks out with only a towel around his waist. I could only stare.

“Can I help you?” Sam chuckles. He walks past me and into his room, I follow. I close the door and sit in a chair, spinning it to face away.

“I was going to ask if you wanted to film something new for the channel.” I bite my lip to fight the thoughts creeping to my mind.

“Sure, where at though? When?” Sam spins the chair back around. He stands in-front of me wearing gray jeans and a gray long sleeve.

“I was thinking now and at the old hospital. It’s like fifteen miles from here.” My eyes scan him up and down, landing on his face. Traces of worry coat his eyes.

“Sure, might as well give it a shot.” Sam forces a slight smile. “Are you ready?”

“Yeah, but let me grab the camera.” I stand up, only to be stopped by Sam’s hands snaking around my neck. I raise an eyebrow.

“What? I can’t stand like this?” He mocks my eyebrow raise.

“Mm, only if you’re going to kiss me.” I wrap my arms around his back. Without hesitation, he kisses me. He slowly deepens it. It takes me a moment to realize that we should go now. I pull away. He looks up at me, faking a pout.

“Why’d you stop?” Sam asks, snaking a hand into my hair.

“As much as I love to make out with you babe, we need to go now and get it over with.” I peck his lips. He groans and moves away. I smile and walk back to my room, grabbing the camera and slipping my shoes on. I make sure to grab a small backpack with extra SD cards. I meet Sam in the hall and we interlock our hands, heading down the stairs. Elton stops us at the end of the stairs.

“Where do you two think you’re going?” He raises an eyebrow, while speaking in his uncle voice. I wave the camera at him. “Filming a nasty video?” He jokes and shakes his head.

“Yeah definitely and not to film for our main channel.” I roll my eyes.

“Totally not gonna fuck him.” Sam smirks and pulls me towards the door.

“Boys, remember to use protection!” Elton shouts as we close the door behind us.

We walk over to my car and I unlock it. We both climb in. I hand the camera and bag to Sam, who gently sits the bag on the floor with the camera on his lap. I open the GPS on my phone and quickly start the route to the hospital. I start the car and pull out of the drive, after putting my seatbelt on.

After a while of driving we pull onto an old paved and cracked road. I drive slowly with my headlights on bright. Five minutes later- the hospital comes into view.

“It’s bigger than I thought.” I say as I turn around so I will be able to leave faster. Sam only nods. He sets up the camera on the dash as I put the car in park. He turns on the camera and hits record. “What’s up guys! It’s Sam and Colby!” I glance over at Sam.

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