Twenty-Two: Drunk in the Bathtub

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TW! Alcohol ! 

Sam lays in the empty tub with a bottle of liquor in his left hand. He takes a long drink from the bottle and closes his eyes. Two of Sam’s friends, Corey and Devyn, sat next to the tub.

“Why are you drinking again?” Devyn asks quietly.

“Flashbacks. Got to drown them out.” Sam slurs out.

“What flashbacks?” Corey asks. Sam takes another long drink.

“Dad stuck around but wasn’t present, unless he was beating us-mainly me. He cheated on mama, she never left only because he left money in her hands.” Sam waves the bottle around as he takes another swig. “Everything got paid for. Made sure we had more than she had growing up even through the beatings.” 

Corey and Devyns heart broke hearing the truth spill out.

‘I can see it on your face. It was rough, left a bad taste in your mouth.’ Devyn thinks with a sympathetic frown.

“She would rain all day, waiting for her son to shine. Now I’m shining at face value.” Sam drinks again. Fighting back tears. He keeps drinking. Longer swigs until the bottle is empty. Sam reaches next to him in the tub and picks up another bottle. Whiskey. Straight whiskey.

“Sam, you shouldn’t be drinking this much.” Corey said, trying to get the bottle. Sam snatched it away and opens it. Taking a long swig.

“Let me be. Let me be drunk in the bathtub.” Sam drunkenly waves to the door.

Colby walks through the bedroom door, then he knocks on the bathroom door.

“Sammy are you in there?” Colby calls out.

“Yes, Colby he is.” Devyn says. Colby opens the door, freezing.

“ all. I need a minute.” Sam mumbles, taking another drink. Corey and Devyn sigh but leave the boyfriends in the bathroom.

“ said you were done drinking.” Colby says squatting next to the tub.

“Yeah yeah. Flashbacks.” Sam drinks again.

“Give me the bottle, please.” Colby asks, almost begging.

“No. It’s not killed me yet.” Sam slurs his words together.

|Time Skip-Later that night|

Sam laid on the bed, groaning.

“Try to rest Sam. You need it.” Colby says, setting a bottle of water on the nightstand.

“Why’d you take it from me?” Sam rolled over to his side. Colby only shakes his head as he pulls the covers over his lover.

“Just sleep.” He says, walking towards the light switch. He turns off the lights and walks out the door.

Sam waits a few minutes, knowing he wasn’t as drunk as everyone assumed. Sam sits up in bed and grabs the bottle, taking a drink. He eases out of bed, with the bottle in his hand, and walks to the bedroom door. He steadies himself as he walks out the door. Sam walks down the marble stairs, leaning against the wall.

“Colby?” Sam says almost normally. Nothing. Sam walks into the living room. No one. “Colby?” Nothing. Sam slowly walks into the kitchen and grabs a snack bar. He slowly eats it. After a few minutes he walks back into the living room. He calls out again. Nothing again. Sam walks down the stairs into the basement. He spots Colby sitting at the editing computer.

Colby glances over his shoulder and sees Sam standing there. He takes off one headphone and pauses the edit.

“Baby, are you okay?” Colby asks, turning to face Sam. Sam only nods. Colby takes off the headphones and sits them down. “Come here.” Sam walks over to him and sits in his lap.

“I just want to sit with you.” Sam whispers as he rests his forehead against Colby’s shoulder. Colby turns back to the computer, putting the headphones back on as he starts editing again.

Eventually Colby finishes editing the first half of the video. He saves the file and takes off the headphones. Sam has fallen asleep on Colby’s lap. Colby gently gets up, keeping his hands underneath his thighs. Colby eases up the basement stairs. As they come into the foyer, Jake stops Colby. 

“Is he asleep? Devyn said he was drinking again.” Jake whispers. 

“Yeah he was and yes he fell asleep while I was editing.” Colby says, keeping his voice low. Jake nods and walks away. Colby slowly walks up the marble stairs and enters their bedroom. Colby lays Sam on his side of the bed. Colby eases next to Sam on the bed. 

Colby eventually falls asleep holding his lover. 

A/N: 740 words.

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