Seventeen: Memory Lane pt 1

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Twenty minutes later, we receive a notification on our phones that a new video has been uploaded to our shared YouTube channel. We both look at each other in surprise, realizing that somehow the mysterious abandoned hospital video has been uploaded without our knowledge or consent.

“What the hell?” Sam blurts. 

“Who in the hell?” I rub the back of my neck. Sam calls Ally, someone who helps with our channel. 

“Hey, what's up with that video being uploaded?” Sam asked. “You don’t know?” Sam sighed. “We need to delete it.” Sam tells her. “Yes please. Delete it.” Sam glances at me. “Alright, good. Thank you.” Sam hangs up.

“Well?” I tilt my head.

“Ally, doesn’t know who uploaded it or why. She deleted it.” Sam said, biting his lip. I reach my hand out, forcing him to release his lip.

“Babe, don’t bite your lip. I’ll call the boys to see if they did it.” I rub his cheek. I dial Corey’s number. “Corey. Did you upload that video?” I slip my arm around Sam’s waist. “Did Jake?” I sigh. “Great. I don’t know why it was uploaded.” Sam steals a kiss and gets up. I watch him pace. “I don’t know dude. Thanks..We will.” I chuckle. “Bye.” I hang up.  Sam continues to pace around the room, his brows furrowed in deep concentration. I can see the frustration building up in him as he tries to make sense of the situation. 

“Maybe we should just change the password and not say anything.” Sam says, moving towards me. I lean back on the bed. 

“Alright, you can change it babe.” I smile at him as he straddles my lap. I watch as he changes the password to our channel. He shifts just slightly, leaning to put our phones on the nightstand. I let my hands grip his waist. “I think that’ll help babe.” 

“What do you want?” Sam raises his eyebrows. He shifts again, grinding a little harder. I throw my head back onto the bed. He leans forward and presses a kiss to my forehead. 

“Love, why don’t you show me that spot you liked to hang at?” I sit myself up. His eyes light up. 

“Yes!” Sam climbs off my lap, moving to put some clothes on. “Well babe get dressed.” I didn’t move, I only watched him slip into his jeans. “Babe.” Sam leans down, catching eyes. 

“Mm?” I stretch my hand out to grab his ass. “God damn it babe. You really need to wear jeans more often.” He rolls his eyes. 

“Get dressed and later I might let you have it.” He winks at me. I smirked, feeling my pants tightening. I quickly dress myself. “Now you're the horny bastard.” 

We leave the hotel room and head down the steps. Sam takes my hand, leading us out to his truck. He opens the passenger door for me. After I climb in, he closes the door and  hurries to the driver’s side. When he climbs in he starts the truck. We buckle at the same time. 

“Alright, where is this spot?” I ask as Sam backs out of the parking spot. Without answering he pulls onto the road. 

“Spots.” Sam says. We drove for maybe two minutes. He pulls into a small parking lot with a cozy looking building. “This, babe, is The Sip. Our coffee shop/cafe.” 

“Awe this is so cute. Can we go inside?” I ask, already unbuckling my seatbelt. 

“I suppose so love.” We both get out and meet in front of the truck. I took his hand, letting him lead us to the entrance. As we enter the cozy cafe a woman greets us.

“Hello!” The older woman smiles at us. 

“Good morning, Mrs. Maria!” Sam returns the smile. 

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