Chapter 53

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Su Yu was sent downstairs by Shen Shiqian in a daze.

All he could think about was the fact that he was going to stay at Shen Shiqian's house tonight.

As usual, Shen Shiqian asked Su Yu in advance: "Can I go up this time?"

Worried that Su Yu would overthink it, Shen Shiqian added in a gentlemanly manner: "I'm afraid you won't be able to lift your luggage later, so I can go up and help. "


Absolutely not! !

Su Yu was excited, his face was red, and he shook his head and rejected Shen Shiqian, "No, no, I can just go up there myself!"

Shen Shiqian looked at him with a smile on his face: "You even offered to come and stay at my house, and why? Don't let me enter your house?"

Su Yu was nervous and apprehensive. He looked at Shen Shiqian and licked his lips and said, "It's not possible anyway. My house is a bit messy. You have to wait until I clean it up later. Come."

Su Yu has always been the cleanest one in the dormitory.

Shen Shiqian couldn't imagine how messy Su Yu's home could be.

But since Su Yu said so, Shen Shiqian would definitely not make it difficult for him.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you here. If you can't hold her, just call me."

Su Yu hummed in panic, turned around and went upstairs.

Su Yu's home is on the fifth floor of a residential area. It has a cozy layout of two bedrooms and one living room.

The balcony faced south, and the curtains were gently swayed by the evening breeze.

The sofa is covered with a sofa cover, the floor is covered with plush carpet, there is a cat scratching post in the middle, and there is a snack cabinet in the corner, which is full of canned freeze-dried cats.

Room No. 1 is clean and bright. There is a 1.8-meter large bed in the middle, where Su Yu can sleep comfortably on the bed in human form. Desks and wardrobes are neatly placed next to it to help Su Yu adapt to human society. Provide convenience for study and daily life.

It's no different from a normal human room.

Room No. 2 is different.

The small room was full of cat climbing frames, plush balls, cat sticks, and simulated fish. The wool balls were torn all over the floor, and there was also a plastic bag lying around. It was Su Yu's private cat entertainment place. !

This plastic bag was left behind by Su Yu when he went to the bakery to buy bread.

After taking it home, he ate the bread and thought the scraping sound of the plastic bag was nice and the faint smell of bread was nice. He couldn't control it and turned back into a kitten. He grabbed the plastic bag and played with it for a while, almost killing it. Wrap yourself in a plastic bag.

This is! Why!

He couldn't let Shen Shiqian enter his home! !

Su Yu looked at the cat toys all over the room, pressed his temples with both hands, and collapsed a little.

"Oh my god, how could I let Shen Shiqian come to my house..."

A low murmur sounded in the living room, like a wandering spirit.

Don't say you can come after cleaning up.

It's impossible for him to hide so many cat toys.

Su Yu walked into the room leisurely, stuffed many sets of clothes into his backpack, and subconsciously reached out to put the plush elastic ball on the desk into it.

But the moment his finger touched the elastic ball...

Su Yu suddenly woke up from a dream and withdrew his hand!

stop! There is no way he would bring these cat toys to Shen Shiqian's house.

Unless Shen Shiqian knows his secret one day.

Su Yu suddenly felt that he was a little too impulsive when he proposed to stay at Shen Shiqian's house tonight.

He has no regrets.

But he really isn't ready to say goodbye to the delicious canned cat toys just yet!

The plush bouncy ball shook on the desk.

It seems to attract kittens to play with it.

Su Yu couldn't resist the temptation, so he closed half of his eyes and secretly poked it.

The plush elastic ball moved when poked.

Su Yu was fascinated by it and couldn't help but stretched out his hands and patted the elastic ball with a "chirp" sound.

It's like catching a bouncy ball with a pink pad of flesh.

The bouncy ball was momentarily flattened and bounced.

Su Yu's curious eyes followed the elastic ball up and down, and he reached out to catch it again!


The bouncy ball fell to the ground.

A message alert sounded on the phone.

Su Yu was concentrating on playing when he was startled by the sound of his cell phone and immediately came to his senses.

etc! What is he dawdling about! He still has to collect his luggage and go to Shen Shiqian's house!

[Shen Shiqian: It took so long to clean up]

[Shen Shiqian: Do you want my help?]

Su Yu looked at the time and found that he had been at home for more than ten minutes.

Logically speaking, he only had to bring a few sets of clothes and toiletries. It was not like he was going to live with Shen Shiqian's family, and he would only be able to stay there for three to five days at most.

It won't take that long to clean up.

Su Yu hurriedly checked the things he had prepared, zipped up his backpack, and replied with three words to Shen Shiqian.

[Su Yu: It's almost done! ]

The bouncy ball was tempting Su Yu on the ground.

Shaking from side to side.

Su Yu reluctantly left the cat toys at home.

Before going out, he grabbed the goat's milk pudding that the cat loved to eat from the snack cabinet, ate it in small bites, and secretly stuffed a lot of pudding into the compartment of his backpack before going downstairs to see Shen Shiqian.

Different from the last New Year's Eve, this time Su Yu lived alone in Shen Shiqian's house.

Shen Shiqian temporarily tidied up the room where Yang Feng had lived in Shangyang before, and asked Su Yu to put his backpack in the room.

Su Yu specifically made it clear to Shen Shiqian, "I came to your house not to stay for a long time, but just for a while."

Shen Shiqian replied in a free and easy tone: "Yeah, I know."

Regardless of Su Yu's intention to stay . How long.

Let's live here first. If he likes it here, he might live there until school starts.

Shen Shiqian originally wanted Su Yu to sleep in his room.

Even if you don't do anything, listening to Su Yu's breathing when you go to bed at night, and seeing Su Yu's face when you wake up in the morning are all a kind of enjoyment.

However, they haven't confirmed their relationship yet.

Shen Shiqian likes to bully Su Yu to get close to Su Yu.

But I don't want to be too offensive on this issue of principle.

Based on his understanding of Su Yu, Su Yu would definitely be scared if he went too far.

"The closet is empty, you can use it as you like."

"I have new toothbrushes and towels here. I'll bring them to you later."

"You know how to turn on the hot water in the bathroom. Do you want to take a shower now?"

Su Yu hugged his backpack, Blinking twice, he shook his head.

"No, I'm too tired now. I want to take a rest."

After working part-time at a milk tea shop during the day, he collected clothes urgently and came to stay at Shen Shiqian's house at night.

Su Yu now felt that his whole body was sore and weak.

If he moves a few more times, he will faint from exhaustion.

Shen Shiqian thought about it and realized how uncomfortable Su Yu was now.

People who don't usually like to exercise will probably be exhausted if they encounter such high-intensity work.

However, looking at Su Yu's tired expression, Shen Shiqian couldn't help but look him over, and asked knowingly: "How can I be tired?"

Su Yu thought Shen Shiqian was chatting with him seriously, so he raised his head obediently. He shook his hands and shook his legs, trying his best to describe how tired he was.

"The finger bones are a little sore."

"The arms are very sore. Well, the insides are very sore."

"The legs have been standing for too long and are a bit soft."

"Then the soles of the feet are also a little painful. It feels uneven when standing on the ground and will be crooked."

Su Yu described it too seriously, raising his arms and legs as if doing radio gymnastics, and his voice was very gentle.

Whenever you talk about something uncomfortable, you have to use your brain and consider your words.

Shen Shiqian was so cute by him, a trace of evil teasing flashed in his eyes, "Then I will press for you tonight?"


What's this?

Su Yu knew how to hug and touch, but didn't know how to press. "How do you press?"


Shen Shiqian was so seduced by him that he wanted to show him now, so he said to Su Yu: "Raise your hands."

Su Yu followed Shen Shiqian's gaze, lowered his head slightly, and raised his thin arms.

Shen Shiqian reached out and rubbed his arm.

His fingers pressed on the soft arm through the clothes.

This action was harder than touching and lasted longer than pinching, making Su Yu's sore muscles feel instant relief.

Su Yu's skin was inherently sensitive, and he couldn't help but purr even when being touched by a human being, let alone being pushed like this by Shen Shiqian!

He fluttered his eyelashes, blush spread from his neck to his cheeks, and his voice became a little trembling.

"Well, it's a little sour."

Actually, it's not sour.

It's that crispy, numbing sourness.

Shen Shiqian naturally saw Su Yu's discomfort.

He put the tip of his tongue against his back molars and thought of teasing Su Yu.

"Isn't it nice?"


Su Yu's head was blank, his face was red, and he could hardly hear everything.

Although the pressure was very comfortable, his hands and feet became limp, and his tailbone was numb.

Shen Shiqian lowered his eyes lazily and slowly pinched from his arm to his sore fingertips.

"I usually massage myself like this if my muscles are too sore after exercise. If you feel comfortable, sit on the sofa later and I will massage you for an hour or two."

Shen Shiqian has never done this for anyone else . thing.

But the thought of being able to touch Su Yu like this made the heat in his heart sway.


Shen Shiqian's performance was too direct.

Su Yu's amber eyes blinked, and he bit his lower lip in a panic, meowing in confusion.

Who couldn't tell that Shen Shiqian wanted to touch him?

But this feeling is very comfortable.

Su Yu was a little scared, but also liked it a little.

"Does it have to be pressed for that long?"

Shen Shiqian wanted to say that there were no regulations on this matter.

It's just that Su Yu said that his sore hands and legs would be better if he continued massaging for an hour or two.

"Look at you."

Su Yu heard a smile from Shen Shiqian's deep voice, and his earlobes became very hot.

Shen Shiqian asked Su Yu to sit on the sofa alone because he had to take a shower.

"You sit here and wait for me, watch TV or play with your phone for a while. I'll give you a massage and relax when I come out."


After Su Yu transformed from spirit to human form, he only stayed in the house he rented and at Bai Jia Shuo's house. Lived in home and school dormitory for a long time.

I have never tried to live in a human home for at least several days like now.

Su Yu listened to the gurgling sound of water coming from the bathroom, sat on the soft sofa, and crossed his fingers randomly.

So nervous! !

It's all because Shen Shiqian suddenly said he wanted to give him a massage!

Then she demonstrated on his hand for a long time, and even said that she would hold it for him for an hour or two later!

Su Yu's head became dizzy when he recalled what he had just said.

He told Shen Shiqian that his fingers hurt, his arms were sore, his legs were limp, and the soles of his feet were a little painful...

Then, would Shen Shiqian have to press all these places again? !

Ahhhhh! !

Su Yu felt like he was turning into a little crazy cat.

How could he not see the madness in Shen Shiqian's eyes.

When Shen Shiqian hugged him and kissed him hard, he had this kind of look in his eyes... not only his eyes, but also his warm palms would hug him hard.

Su Yu knew that Shen Shiqian was acting like this because he liked him.

But, this kind of behavior still makes him a little scared.

Of course he knows that this kind of skin-to-skin contact is inevitable in intimate human love relationships.

However, once he was told that this kind of thing would happen to him, it was difficult for him to be mentally prepared.

A little white cat regretted in his heart, if he had known better, he would not have agreed so quickly!

Another little white cat is encouraging him again. Although you will be nervous and scared, this opportunity is rare, and when he is massaging you, you really feel comfortable, don't you?

Su Yu was about to be stunned by the little white cat in his heart.

The fingers became more and more confused, overlapping each other on the left and right.

Su Yu's uneasy mood was not relieved until Shen Shiqian came out of the bathroom.

Shen Shiqian walked to the living room.

As soon as he raised his eyelids, he saw his roommates sitting in a group on the sofa.

Su Yu likes to sit with his legs on the sofa.

Like a kitten curled up into a little ball.

He hugged his bent legs and pretended to play with his mobile phone. His fingers slid back and forth from the screen of the mobile phone, and his look of panic and daze was too obvious.

It was obvious at a glance that he wasn't playing at all, he was nervous.

Shen Shiqian couldn't help but let out a low tut, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He raised his hand and wiped his wet black hair with a towel.

"Su Yu, do you want to drink yogurt? I'll go to the refrigerator to get yogurt for you to drink. Can you drink the small box of plain yogurt?"

Su Yu knew that he was scared.

Still couldn't help teasing him.

Su Yu's little cat's ears twitched slightly, and his little heart skipped a beat when he heard the deep and melodious voice.


Just two words.

But very well behaved.

Shen Shiqian listened and sneered lazily. He hung the towel on the dining chair and walked into the kitchen with his slippers on.

The sound of the refrigerator door opening and closing sounded in the kitchen.

Not long after Su Yu sat on the sofa, there was a small box of yogurt handed over by Shen Shiqian and a small plastic spoon in his hand.

"Drink." Shen Shiqian sat down on the sofa, bent over casually, and when he took back the hand passing the yogurt, his other arm was pressed against his leg.

There is a transparent lid on the yogurt. After opening it, you still need to peel off the wrapping paper on the surface.

Su Yu stretched out his fingers, gently pinched the tip of the wrapping paper, and tore it upwards.

He did not drink the yogurt for the first time, but licked the lid of the yogurt clean, and then began to sip the yogurt in the cup.

Su Yu asked Shen Shiqian, "Don't you want to drink it?"

Shen Shiqian said, "I drank it this morning."

Su Yu said softly, scooped up a small piece of yogurt and brought it to his lips. .

This solidified yogurt tastes soft and has a rich milky flavor.

Su Yu took his time to finish eating, peeking at Shen Shiqian while eating.

Shen Shiqian was glanced at by his beautiful eyes for a long time and teased: "Why do I feel that something is wrong with you?"

Su Yu was in a daze and did not turn around, "What's wrong...?"

Shen Shiqian exposed his current situation. He smiled mischievously and said, "You look very nervous."

Su Yu's face turned red.

The spoon feeding the yogurt was crooked and hit me in the face.

"It's not because you said you wanted to give me a massage!!"

Before, Su Yu would not have told Shen Shiqian so straightforwardly.

But since the winter vacation for half a month, he has been seeing Shen Shiqian every day, and always alone, so naturally he is not so vigilant in front of Shen Shiqian.

After Su Yu finished speaking, he felt a little shy and regretful, and quickly buried his beautiful face.

People you like are not defensive at all.

When someone else tried a word, he said what was in his heart.

When Shen Shiqian heard what he said, his chest shook, and he breathed out a smile.

Su Yu's ears burned when he heard the sound.

The tip of her pink tongue quietly came out and licked the yogurt from the corner of her lips.

Shen Shiqian glanced at him, "Why are you nervous? I won't bully you."

Su Yu didn't believe that Shen Shiqian didn't see what he was nervous about.

Shen Shiqian just liked this and asked him questions knowingly.

"Obviously you are already bullying..."

Asking questions knowingly is bullying.

Su Yu's thoughts were much simpler than Shen Shiqian's.

"Tsk." Shen Shiqian was embarrassed to remind him that this kind of bullying was not his usual intention.

Being teased by Shen Shiqian and giving him a playful tut, Su Yu felt embarrassed and became sulky.

He finished the yogurt alone, concentrated on licking the remaining milk residue in the yogurt box, and threw the empty box into the trash can.

Of course Shen Shiqian could guess why Su Yu was nervous.

He raised his eyes and looked at Su Yu's delicate face with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I'm still a gentleman."

Su Yu didn't quite understand the word, but still retorted in a low voice: "Who knew you."

The person he liked fell in love with him.

Okay, it's time to coax people.

Shen Shiqian turned on the TV and randomly tuned a music variety show.

The music variety show was very lively. The host introduced the contestants on the gorgeous stage. The audience cheered continuously. Soon after, the singer came on stage and sang a lyrical song.

Su Yu's amber eyes glanced over and landed on Shen Shiqian's handsome profile.

I can't tell how Shen Shiqian is feeling now.

Why are you silent all of a sudden...

Is Shen Shiqian angry?

But he was right. Shen Shiqian was bullying him just now, deliberately making him blush and making him tell him what he had been worrying about all night.

...Shen Shiqian must have been thinking this.

Then why didn't he mention giving him a massage now?

Su Yu was a little unsure of Shen Shiqian's thoughts, so he mustered up the courage and touched him with his finger.

Shen Shiqian: "What's wrong?"

She also asked him what's wrong! !

Su Yu didn't want to say anything for a moment.

But he still has expectations for this matter, and he doesn't want to just watch TV tonight.

"Why don't you press it for me?"

The soft voice had a hint of caution and a bit of cute depression.

Shen Shiqian was still thinking about how he could be intimate with Su Yu in a more upright manner.

If you can't get intimate, it's fine if you can make her happy.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu's words made his eyelids jump at this second, "Fuck you.


Su Yu's thin arm was suddenly grabbed by Shen Shiqian.

Shen Shiqian's sore and numb arms felt a little painful and a little comfortable when he was kneaded forcefully by Shen Shiqian.

Su Yu felt that the blood in his body was speeding up.

There was a slight itch in my throat.

Shen Shiqian lowered his angry eyes and massaged Su Yu with his fingers.

"Su Yu, I find that I have to admit that I like you, but I just want to do something to you."

Su Yu didn't understand why Shen Shiqian suddenly said this, "So, so."

Shen Shiqian laughed casually , "So you can't expect me to have no distracting thoughts or desires when doing this kind of thing."

He took back the words he just said about being a gentleman.

Su Yu felt as if Shen Shiqian was confessing to him again.

But he wasn't so sure.

My mind is a little confused.

The heart was filled to the brim.

Like an inflated hydrogen balloon, it is floating in the sky.

Shen Shiqian saw Su Yu's red earlobe and resisted the idea of ​​biting it, "Is it too strong?"

Su Yu blinked and said softly: "It's okay."

Su Yu's pure and beautiful eyes My eyes dare not look at the TV.

He didn't even dare to look at Shen Shiqian's face.

The long eyelashes trembled, the breathing at the tip of the nose was uneven, and the lips pursed quietly.

The massage feels really comfortable.

Su Yu felt that his palms and arms, which had been busy all day part-time, became more comfortable.

After Shen Shiqian helped Su Yu press his hands, he was a little reluctant to let go. His Adam's apple moved and asked him, "Do you want me to press your legs?"

Su Yu's face was warm and he hummed in confusion. .

"How do you press it?"

Shen Shiqian saw that Su Yu's slender Adam's apple was also moving.

How could he be so lovable when he still wanted him to continue even though he was so nervous.

"Put it on my lap."

Put it on Shen Shiqian's lap? ?

Su Yu had guessed that this was going to happen, but he still felt a little ashamed when he heard Shen Shiqian say this.

This kind of intimate behavior made Su Yu more nervous than kissing again and again.

Because those kisses all happened in a short period of time, this kind of intimate behavior would last for more than half an hour or even an hour or two.

After Su Yu asked, he struggled a little and was very moved by this.

He looked at Shen Shiqian's handsome face, held the sofa sideways with his slender fingers, and tried hard to lift his legs and put them on Shen Shiqian's lap.

"I-is that enough?"

"Yeah, that's it."

Shen Shiqian lowered his eyes, stretched out his hands, and pinched Su Yu's soft skin.

The variety show continues, and the singer sings on the stage.

But neither of the two people on the sofa paid attention to the TV.

Su Yu felt that the consciousness in his head was a little confused.

My calves are sore and my tailbone is numb.

Warm fingers rubbed his calf repeatedly.

And because he said the soles of his feet hurt, he pressed the white soles of his feet for him.

Shen Shiqian was a little immersed in this comfortable and quiet atmosphere.

It was as if they were not living alone at home for the first time, but lovers who had been living together for a long time.

What he did for Su Yu was just an ordinary thing.

Su Yu is thin-skinned.

Shen Shiqian knew that no matter how many times he did this kind of thing, Su Yu would still blush and be shy.

Like it is now.

"Su Yu."

Shen Shiqian's name was called unexpectedly, and Su Yu's heart rose in his throat, "Well, what's the matter?" Shen Shiqian's

fingers were still pressing on the soles of his feet, and he said something that made Su Yu's heart beat. To speed up, "Have you ever thought about being with the person you like?" You

actually asked him this kind of question.

Su Yu's face was so red that he almost bled, and there seemed to be a buzzing in his ears.

Although he really didn't want to show how much he liked Shen Shiqian at this time, Shen Shiqian asked like this...

"Of course I have thought about it..."

I have thought about it.

But I don't know if the kitten can be with the person he likes.

Su Yu answered too well.

The calf held in Shen Shiqian's hand was so nervous that it tensed up thinly.

Shen Shiqian was completely unable to resist Su Yu's appearance.

I want to kiss him and hug him.

I want to do all kinds of things with him that lovers would do.

This look is so hot.

Su Yu's heart beat loudly.

Sensitive kitten ears heard Shen Shiqian's even breathing and couldn't help but move.

"Then I've been chasing you for so long, when will you let me be your boyfriend?"

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