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Unfortunately, the viability scan was no longer needed. Nina had returned to the lab for her repeat HCG draw only to find out her numbers were plummeting, meaning the pregnancy was ending.

The same evening, the spotting began eventually turning into horrific cramping and heavy bleeding. Early miscarriage tended to be downplayed as nothing worse than a heavy period but Nina was realizing that was entirely false.

Dominik sat by her side as she wept in bed, stroking her hair as he stoically mourned the loss of their child, keeping a brave face for her, he could cry when he had a few minutes to himself.

"We can try again, my love," he tried to assure her, regretting them as soon as they escaped his lips. Nina hadn't replied but he knew what she was thinking because he'd thought the same thing. But it won't be this baby.

He'd gently let Sophia and Junior know what had happened, calling Marisol to inform her of the tragic news and asking if she would be willing to take them for the weekend so he could care for Nina. Marisol never could turn the children of her family away and obliged, bringing along a bouquet for Nina and two plates of dinner for them.

"I am so sorry," she told her youngest sibling, holding her tightly, "We are here for you, Nina."

Marisol gave Dom a gentle pat on the arm, "Thank you for taking care of her," she whispered as she left the house with Junior and Sophia.

It was hard for Nina to fight back the negative thoughts, the whys, and the self-pity of why could people like her sister fall pregnant without issues while someone like herself who wanted nothing more than a child of her own struggled to conceive.

The stupid well-meaning comments from her mother didn't help either. "Everything happens for a reason," and "Well, we don't know what God's plan is, we just have to trust him." And the best one, "At least it was earlier than last time, mija."

Really? Nina may have been raised Catholic but she couldn't buy any of that. God's plan? How the fuck could Gladys say that? Was it God's plan for Karla to have four children that she abandoned and allowed to be abused when they were under her care? Was it God's plan to give Krist Antonio for her and take him away before he could ever take a breath?

Fuck that. Fuck Gladys for saying that. Everything happens for a reason. Fuck you.

Nina felt horrible for being so selfish about the loss of the baby around Dominik when he was hurting just as badly as she was. She'd seen him fighting back tears as she barraged him with bitter questions, wanting to know the why and how.

Dominik held himself together like the soldier he was. He took the weekend off from the bar, explaining they'd lost the baby and he needed to be home for Nina. Gerald, the owner, may have been a tad sleazy but he was a father and told him to take all the time he needed to"within reason".

She spent the weekend sleeping, waking occasionally to weep in Dominik's arms until she would fall asleep once again. He never left her side the entire weekend.

Perhaps the one silver lining of the loss was fully realizing how much exactly Dominik cared for her and that she couldn't have found a better man.

Sunday afternoon, Nina took a long shower before they headed to Marisol's to collect the kids and have dinner.

Junior and Sofia greeted her with a care package for her that Marisol had helped them put together. There were various teas, bubble baths, cozy slippers, scented lotions, and a card thanking her for being their mom.

Nina didn't even try to hold back her tears, there was no point really. She hugged the two of them, her kids, letting them know how grateful she was to have them in her life.

"How are you feeling?" Marisol asked gently.

Nina burst into tears again, "Ah, you can't ask me that when I am emotional," she sniffled, allowing her sister to hug her tightly.

"I am so sorry, sweetie," she told her younger sister, wiping her tears away, "I heard Mom called you after I told her not to."


Marisol gave her a sympathetic smile, "She is the worst person ever to talk to when things go wrong. It's God's will, Mija," she said with an eye roll.

Nina nodded, "How'd you know?"

"That's her explanation for everything! She told Fernando that after he got shot."

"I know she means well but like...read the room, Mom."

"I hope you're hungry, I made chicken flautas with beans and rice."

Chris walked into the room, rubbing his large belly, "You know you can't say no to Marisol's flautas."

Nina smiled, "You're right, I really can't," she replied, they really were bomb as hell.

"Dom, you want to go check out my new build?" Chris asked looking at Dominik, eager to show off his newest PC build.

It warmed her heart to see Dominik fit in so well with her family, well the good side of the family. Krist and Fabian had fit in too, with Fernando and Karla which didn't say much. But Dom was like the missing piece that she realized she needed.

Yes, he was a tad nerdy at times but Marisol, Chris, and Lissette adored him. Even Junior and Sophia liked him. And after the miscarriage, as hard as it was, his kindness and attentiveness for her had cemented her feelings for him.


"Victor comes home next week," Marisol told Nina as they cleaned up the dinner mess.

Nina winced, "He's...good?"

Marisol sat a plate in the dishwasher, sighing, "That's what the facility is saying, that he's done a 180 and ready to come back home."

"How is that going to work with Angelina and Jermaine living together? They're not worried he's going to flip out?" Nina asked cautiously.

"I guess he has accepted it and seems to be fine. He knows that Nando is with that nurse of his and that they aren't getting back together," Marisol told her.

Hearing his name, little Nando stepped into the kitchen looking up at them with big eyes, "I have juice?" He asked.

"It's too late for juice, bubbas, you can have some milk," Marisol told him.

Nando frowned for a moment before wrapping his arms around one of Marisol's legs. It was nice to see the little guy come out of his shell, he'd been so painfully shy when he came to live with his aunt.

The older Nina got, the more and more she disliked her brother for being a shit father who didn't see what a blessing his babies were. As far as Little Nando was concerned, his bio dad was just the loud guy in a wheelchair who scared him with his over-the-top personality.

Nina crouched down to look at the little boy. He looked like a monkey, just like his dad had as a kid.

"Hey, can I get a high-five?" She asked him gently.

Nando clung to Marisol's leg, peeking shyly from behind her as if debating on whether he should give her a high five or not.

"I like your baby shark," she said, pointing to the yellow toy in his hand.

Nando examined it, handing it to her, "Here, you have," he finally said.

Nina took the toy and handed it back, "Here you go."

He snatched the toy, hiding again before peeking back at her, a slow smile spreading across his face. Such a sweet kid he was. Such a shame his father didn't care and his grandmother saw him as an inconvenience.

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