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"Naveah just invited me to go with her to get our nails done," Atira announced to Krist as they sat outside on the front porch after dinner.

Krist rubbed Audrey's back as he burped Her, "My dad's wife?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I feel like she doesn't have many friends or something. I don't know, she seems nice enough, I guess. Should I go?"

"It's up to you, I don't care," Krist told her. He genuinely did not care but also could not see trashy ass Naveah being friends with Atira.

"I guess I'm going to tell her yes?" Atira told him, sounding as if she were asking a question, not making a statement.

Rocco zoomed past them in his Mario Kart, nearly running into his little brother who was cruising around the porch in his walker.

"Sorry, Gabriel!" Rocco yelled over his shoulder before hitting the accelerator again.

Krist rolled his eyes to Atira, rocking in his chair.
"That kid..." he muttered, "What did you think of her, my dad's wife? Honestly?"

Atira shrugged, stirring her iced tea, "She seemed nice, I guess, she was friendly. Your dad seemed...ok, I guess too."

"My dad seemed ok?" Krist laughed, "Did you talk to him?"

She chuckled, "I mean he's very rough around the edges but he seemed like he was trying to be decent. I still can't believe your mom was ever married to him," Atira said thoughtfully, "She's all...she's very put together and polite and your dad is..."

"White trash?" Krist volunteered with a smirk.

"I wasn't going to use those words," Atira countered.

"You thought it though, huh?"

The smile playing upon her lips gave her away as she leaned down to let Gabriel bite down on the lemon slice in her hand.

"I can't believe he likes lemons," Krist said, shaking his head.

As Atira attempted to take the lemon slice, Gabriel grunted at her, grabbing at it with both of his pudgy hands.

"Ok...have at it, I guess," Atira told her son, letting him take the fruit from her, "Anyway...I guess we are going tomorrow morning?"

"Fun times," Krist laughed and raised his eyebrows, "Get something cute so my..."

Atira pursed her lips, "Your dick can look cute in my hand?" She cut him off.

He clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth, "I'm that predictable?"

"You're that predictable," she told him, opening her phone to snap a picture of him and Audrey. Before she could open the camera app, her face scrunched up, she had a text message from her dad asking her to call him as soon as possible.

"Babe, can you watch Gabriel, I need to call my dad."

He'd always forgotten that Atira's parents were married and that she had a father who was somewhat in the picture. Well, had been somewhat in the picture when they were young anyway. Krist had never actually met the elusive Mr. Allen because he did a ton of traveling for work and didn't seem to be all that interested in his only child's life.

Krist gave her a concerned look, "Yeah, of course. Everything good?"

Atira shrugged, "I am assuming not, my dad never calls or messages me."

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