Behind The Glasses - A Loucel Fan Fiction

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Marcel Styles was your typical nerd. Straight A's, big black glasses, always wears vests, etc. The one secret that he keeps from everybody is that he can become extremely hot and sexy. All he has to do is let is hair go to its natural curly state, put in his contacts, and change is clothes. He only does that on special occasions, like parties or family events. His party personality is completely different from his normal personality. He is a completely different person at parties... Louis Tomlinson is the school jock and pretty boy. He plays football (soccer for the americans), has girls throwing themselves at him (which makes no sense), and is just all around perfection. The thing about Louis is that he is openly gay, thats why the girl shouldn't be throwing themselves at him. Surprisingly at this school there aren't any homophobes so being gay is fine. Louis likes to bully Marcel. He scares him really bad. Marcel always gets a stupid stutter when Louis is around. Everybody also knows that Marcel is gay. What they don't know is that he has a massive crush on Louis. Marcel thinks he will never have a chance with Louis, but fate always has a funny way of working.

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