It's not love

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Harry and Louis. They've been married for 5 years. You would think Louis loves Harry and Harry Loves Louis. well no. Louis hates Harry with all his heart. Louis has bin cheating on Harry for years with Eleanor. The only reason he got married to Harry was because he needed a place to stay.He wants to have a family with Eleanor and leave Harry, although Harry talks about making a family and Louis just beats him when he asks. Yah they do things that other married couples do minus the love part, and to Harry his Louis is everything even though after they do it he leaves and doesn't come back all day, he hits him and so on. No matter Harry loves Louis. Louis doesn't think of it as love when him and Harry have sex no to him its just pleasing him self. So in mid December a week after Louis had just beat and f***ked Harry and left. Its been a week and he still isn't back. Harry had been throwing up and sense he never leaves home only when Louis takes him out he called his best fiend Zayn. Zayn takes his to the doctors and yup Harry's pregnant about a week along. How will Louis react to him being pregnant. He knows Louis doesn't want kids. He decides to keep it a secret. But things happen secrets are revealed and hearts will be broken. In " It's Not Love ".

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