Hidden Identity

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Harry writes fanfiction on a site called Wattpad. Its late and he's reading and writing fancition. He suddenly gets a private message on his account. He check it of course. The message reads, ˜Hey. I'm very depressed and I really need some help. You said in your bio that your usually on and anyone can talk to you. Well, I'm asking for some help. I really want to die and I'm looking for a sign to do it or not. If you answer, I'll keep living. If not, well, then I'm gone. Its from a user named 'JustEndItAlready' Of course, Harry easily types his response, wanting desperately to help this person. Little does he know that he's talking to the famous singer, Louis Tomlinson, who Harry's had a crush on for forever! As the two talk more and more, Harry trying to help Louis's depression as much as he can, Louis is finding it harder and harder to keep his secret safe. And then Harry wanted to meet Louis. And let's just say Louis couldn't say no. Pairing: Larry Stylinson

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