Incoming Call

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Inches from death... his phone rings. Harry Styles. Everyone knows him. He's the popular kid in school, everyone fears and admires him. He has girls falling at his feet and every guy wants to be him. Louis Tomlinson. The one whom everyone forgot. He's been struggling on and off drugs for years, kicked out of his house when he was fifteen and ended up in a broken-down apartment. He goes to the same school as Harry and the people there judge him and make fun of him. Finally it gets too much and he decides to commit suicide. However right before he was about to end it all, his phone rang. Harry Styles had been meaning to call his girlfriend but he got through to Louis. When Louis told him of his plans, he stayed on the phone to persuade him out of it.
Slowly, through phone calls and text messages, can Harry finally get Louis to feel wanted again? And can they finally tell each other who they are, that they are simply the popular kid and the one nobody wants to be? even after all this time i suck at descriptions :D ---------------- WARNINGS: may be slightly triggering. contains self-harm, abusive language, mention of suicide, and Harry's dim sense of humour

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