When Hate Turns Into Love

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The Styles and the Tomlinsons. Those two families have never gotten along with each other due to an event in the past. So because of this, Louis Tomlinson hates Harry Styles, simple as that. What Louis doesn't know though - or anyone in their families for that matter - is that Harry doesn't hate Louis, rather the opposite actually. He's always taken a liking in the feathery haired boy. Why? He doesn't know, but ever since kindergarten there's always been something special about that boy. To make matters worse, Harry's quite the tease. He loves to make Louis flustered and nervous, something Louis hates. He always tries to push him away and tell him to fuck off, which only makes Harry like him even more. So what happens when Louis eventually gives in to Harry's touches and lets him do whatever he wants with him? Will love occur? And if so, what will their families think of it?

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