02. "Woah."

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| *[Y/N]'S POV* |

"[N/N]! Get up, we need to get going in two hours!" I hear Rin yell from down the hall.

"Why do you guys have gang meetings.. ON WEEKENDS???" I questioned before internally crying. I don't wanna get uppp!!

But of course I had to leave the beautiful comforts of my bed, of course I fixed my bed before walking to my bathroom.

Thank the lord above we have more then one bathroom! Especially since I have my own~
My brothers ALWAYS stink up the bathroom so I'm happy with the one in my room.


I walked into my bathroom and stopped at the sink, I turn on the faucet and wash my face gently. Right before grabbing my toothbrush, I rinsed the toothbrush and put a glob of toothpaste on it before rinsing it again.

I then started brushing my teeth

(Too lazy to type all of that)



After I finished I put on an outfit I deemed stylish and comfy before grabbed my hairbrush, I pulled out my hair tie. Letting my hair fall down my back as I start to brush it.

I hummed to myself as I walked out and downstairs to the lounge where my brothers were sitting, waiting for me as Ran made me breakfast or something to snack on while we're there.

"Morning little girl." Ran said, he was making toast. Typical, Ran.

"Morning Gege, rin" I greeted my brothers as I continued to brush my hair. After finishing I put it in a drawer specifically for where I put things when I don't wanna walk back upstairs.

After placing it, I smiled brightly at how good my hair looks. I glanced over at my brothers, they were wearing their gang uniform.

Ran tossed me a piece of toast and I caught it. I put it into my mouth to hold it before tying up my hair.


After we were all ready to go, I was kind of the last one to get out of the house as I rushed to put on my school shoes because no way I was gonna wear high heels! Who knows where we're going so no high heels.

I grabbed my purse and next thing to do is walk out and lock the front door. And I did.

"Do girls always take so long to get ready?" Rindo asked. I shrugged as I walked between my brothers, usually because they would somewhat be protective and glare at ever man who walked by me and almost even attack them if the poor guy looked at me weird.


*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*CHOOSE YOUR OUTFIT

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