chapter 9 '✦ ˑ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ breakfast

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The next morning I wake up bright and early to the sweet sight of my best friend sleeping soundly next to me. His beautiful freckles scatter his face with a soft expression, blonde hair going in every direction but the right one. His resting face is like a work of art. I take a mental screenshot and get up to brush my teeth and run a comb through my tangled hair. Felix joins me a minute later after waking up, brushing his teeth next to me and pushing me out of the way each time I try to spit in the sink. He's not a morning person and he makes that evident to me especially. We waste no time getting to the kitchen, and in hopes of lightening his mood, I quickly get started on a super sweet and sugary vanilla latte that tastes nothing like coffee.

"Woooahh," I watch his eyes light up after taking a sip from the white coffee mug, "There's coffee in this?" He points at the mug, smiling for the first time today.

"Yes," I laugh, "and more sugar than you should ingest in an entire week."

His jaw drops before going in for a few more sips.

"Okay." He claps his hands together, "What should we make?"

"That woke you up quick," I teased him, walking over to the pantry of the Airbnb. I open up the cupboard, resting my arms on the handles, scanning the shelves for anything good left over from the previous guests.

"Yeah," He walks over and stands behind me looking at the open pantry, "Pancakes?" He reaches over my right shoulder to grab the mix sitting on the shelf a little taller than my head. My stomach does cartwheels. I slowly turn around, and he's already pulling out a pan and a mixing bowl, "Ella, can get the speaker?"

"But the boys are asleep."

He turns his head from pouring the mix into the bowl, "And?"

I shrug and play one of our pregame playlists on my mini speaker on the kitchen counter. Lix already starts pouring the first batch of pancakes on the pan to cook.

"Ooohhhh shiiiiiiiiiiit," I say turning to Lix hearing the intro to one of our iconic dance songs.

"THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" We yell in unison.

"She a real bad bitch!" Lix sings along, hip bumping me.

I laugh, dancing along. I reach into the bowl and grab a pinch of powder.

"My main bitch, he my day one," I sprinkle some mix on top of his head. He turns to me smiling and glaring, before reaching his hand in the bowl to grab a whole handful of mix.

I take a few steps back. He's inching closer to me with his handful, still dancing and singing along, "That's my best FRIEND!" He throws his handful straight onto my face, powder splattering onto my face and pajama t-shirt. I fall on the floor as if I got shot down.

"AHAHAHA!" He falls to his knees laughing at me in front of me.

"What the hell!" I yell, laughing. He comes closer to me, putting one hand on my cheek, the other lightly brushing the powder off my face. I study his smile while he's close just for this moment. Specks of powder lightly dance on his already freckled pink cheeks, they look like stars sprinkled between galaxies. You're so beautiful when you care for me.

The last chorus hits and life is back to moving in not-slow motion. Felix moves away from my face and plants his palms on the floor in front of me and raises his butt in the air.

"Yeah he twerkin', throw it out and come back in," He mumbles as he poorly attempts to twerk on all fours. I absolutely lose it dying on the floor.

I hear a smack, "OW!" Felix falls to the floor, clutching his ass.

I see Hyunjin above him dying of laughter.

"So this is why it smells like burnt bread in here," I hear Minho say behind me.

"Oh-" I quickly stood up, remembering the pancakes are still on the stove. But I'm too late. Seungmin is standing there looking at me with a frown, black pancake in hand.

"Nice shirt!" Hyunjin giggles. I look down, evidence of Felix's crime still covers my pajamas.

I take a deep sigh and look at Lix writhing in pain on the floor, being a dramatic little baby. These stupid boys are always getting in the way of me and my stupid boy. 


hi hi! so soooo sorry for the late update, ive been super busy with school and i was sick for a bit. I was planning on making this a pretty long chapter, but i thought i might as well split it up into two so i dont keep u guys waiting any longer. i hope this chapter wasn't cringe LOLLLLL idk how to write these fluff scene when they're just having fun and not be cringe lol, im only good at writing sad stuff. okay anyways, stay healthy, i hope you have a wonderful day!!!

- L <3

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