Chapter 2- Hey There, Delilah

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The following days were an abyss of maddening isolation, ever relentlessly boring and reflective with nothing new, they trudged on like a sloth on marijuana... On vacation...With nothing to do..Except a shot of heroin. (Nope. Too bad. He just thought it was a funny image in his head. Why not? He would almost take a shot of that at the moment -heroin - heroine? Hermione... Things couldn't get any worse)
He knew one thing; he wasn't gonna talk to Gilderoy anymore. He also needed to try to stop thinking about Hermione so much. It wasn't healthy. No matter how sweet the memories were, no matter how grandiosely he wanted to act on his revelation, he supposed that it didn't matter that deep down he always loved her, because he took so long to realize it in any meaningful way that he feared beyond a shadow of a doubt that if he confessed everything to her now that it would now be unrequited... Because of her having children and marrying his friend, Ron Weasley. And then he might as well be dead with his wife and children...
Why did this all have to happen this way? How? Why am I not so torn up about Ginny anymore? I'm terrible. What if I'm just sick...
Harry wasn't, though, he needed to move on, as agonizing as it was. There was now no known resurrection stone in existence that would work anymore, let alone four of them. No time turner. No amount of tears or reliving the cold, invidious rain or explosive inferno of that night would bring them back.....
It had been 17 months since it had happened. 16 and a half months since he had been admitted to St. Mungo's after he was found by Hermione and Ron with a severely slit wrist, bleeding out his inner pain.
He missed them all so horribly much still. He missed their smiles and laughs, their inside jokes; like Ginny would always bake these weird, lumpy cookies (especially around Christmas time) and feed them to Harry as awkwardly and as slowly as humanly possible... Because her awkwardly feeding him cookies was a way she flirted with him before they were officially together. It apparently meant a great deal to her... He just really wanted the cookie.
He also never needed to worry about his shoe being tied... She was observant and always made sure it was. Sometimes when she was tying the metaphorical yet physical knot, Harry would smirk and jokingly imply, "While you're down there...."
This was usually met with good laughs and occasionally good acts of generosity and good will towards men, as her scarlet hair would bob happily in the morning splendor.
He had some good times with her. He missed her almost as much as he missed his 3 kids. He started to cry a bit as he thought... But, there was just something about his relationship with her that was..... vacant. As if he was desperately trying to fill the dark, empty void of his forlorn, parentless life and love life. The things he liked most about her was that she played Quidditch on his same team at Hogwarts, (a sky version of soccer & basketball with contact) and her red hair.
But, if he was being completely honest with himself, it was nice but there was a discernible lack of passion. He kinda felt that she always just loved "The Chosen One", not.... Just Harry. Most of the time when they kissed it was just like.... Here you go. *peck* This is what couples do...right? There was less sparks than sports. Harry even got a little tired of sports after awhile, ever since they finished school and subsequently had no time for it, but particularly after they had passed... Quidditch especially just reminded him of Ginny, but also of all the biggest mistakes of his youth, as well as some of the biggest injuries he's sustained, apart from the Dark Lord. (or his basilisk)
They never really went on epic, perilous adventures like he did with Hermione Granger... Constantly having his life saved by Hermie, or taught something, even if inadvertently, like how bravery and efforts reap rewards, the things you most regret in life are the chances you didn't take, and don't be a prat. It wasn't Ginny's fault. It just didn't feel like fate..... It felt like he was dating his friend's sister, as a last resort, because that's pretty much what it was. (And he wanted to be a Weasley) Harry wasn't always the best at admitting things or seeing things for what they were, but he was slowly, strenuously getting better at it.
He had nothing but time to cope.
It was just something she did to him.
He wanted to be a better man.
He wanted her and his chances back.
He thought about speeding off blissfully on the Hogwarts Express, knocking his head, a poignant memory of an elegant visage, both when they met and when she descended the stairs at the Yule Ball with enchanting grace.
He could hear the song "Hey There, Delilah" by Plain White T's echoing through the melancholy grey halls in his head.
It was also playing on the radio he had in his desolate room.
I'm a thousand miles away, but girl, tonight you look so pretty. (In his head) Yes, you do...
Times Square can't shine as bright as you. I swear it's true...
Hey There, Delilah. Don't you worry about the distance. I'm right there if you get lonely. Give this song another listen.
Close your eyes...
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise. I'm by your side... (He wished)
Oh!.... It's What you do to me.
Oh.... It's what you do to me.....
Oh!.... It's What you do to me...
Oh.... It's what you do to me... What you do to me.
"I miss you, Hermione....." Harry finally said out loud, a tear glistening on his cheek as it fell, cascading misery like his hopes, the duality of wanting to be a good friend but wanting to be with her.
A thousand miles seems pretty far.
But, they've got planes and trains and cars. I'd walk to you if I had no other way...
Our friends would all make fun of us.
And we'll just laugh along because
-We Know that none of them have felt this way...
Hermione, I can promise you,
That by the time that we get through,
The world will never, ever be the same!
And you're to blame.....
Hey There, Hermione. You be good.
And don't you miss me?
Two more years and you'll be done with him. And I'll be making history,
Like I do...
You know it's all because of you...
We can do whatever we want to...
Hey There, Hermione. Here's to you.
This one's for you.....
Oh!.... It's What you do to me.
Oh.... It's what you do to me.....
Oh!.... It's What you do to me...
Oh.... It's what you do to me... What you do to me.
And with that, Harry Potter fell with a soaking wet face into a tranquil slumber.
Only love can hurt like this...

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