Chapter 14- Into The Darkness

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The castle loomed ominously overhead like a spiked, menacing shadow in the darkness, only allowing its intimidating features to be seen through the silver glimmering of moonlight peaking through the jet black clouds, or flashes of lightning, followed by foreboding roars of thunder. It had happened right after she left him alone in the freezing cold rain. He had made her leave, for her own safety. If his vision was any indicator of the imminent peril within the castle walls, he didn't want her to be any part of it.
I hope she's not too mad at me, he thought... I can't be the reason she's always in danger. Granted, she wants to be by my side, she wants us both to be treated like equals, she's powerful, brilliant and capable! I know all that. But, if there's any chance that dainty hand that dropped in my vision was hers, presumably engulfed in flame, I could never forgive myself. Not only would it obliterate me, and my heart and soul, but also her kids.
Harry turned in time to witness another streak of lightning across the sky, illuminating the plethora of towers and turrets the sinister Karn Castle imposed, as a boom of thunder cracked his eardrums like a whip.
Storm must be close. I need to get inside.
Soaking wet in solitude now, he noticed the tremendous drawbridge was up and sealed. Shivering, he projected his frustrations through his wand.
Bombarda Maxima!!!
Boom!!!! The ten foot hole he blasted through the wooden drawbridge would suffice. He hastily walked through to get out of the rain. He heard a faint roar in the distance, echoed by the serene tapping of rain outside, but the beast seemed too far away to worry about at the moment. He needed light and warmth, he needed to observe his surroundings.
Lumos. He lit his wand with a bead of blue light to reveal a majestic red velveted stairwell, stretched across the vast hallway in front of him, ornamented by a monumental, lavish chandelier looming overhead at the start of it. To his left was a corridor lit dimly by torches along the walls. To his right was an immense fireplace, a candelabra hanging on the wall to the right of it, and a huge blue velvet chair, looking purple against the crimson carpet, which was just what he needed!
Harry drew a sigh of relief as he made his way over to slump into the chair, lightly clanking his shield and sword onto the floor.
Incendio! He commanded his wand to create a jet of flame to light the hearth. He got up and dragged the chair closer to the fire to get warm and dry, careful not to be too loud, and then he collapsed back down into the exquisite chair that was simply far too comfy for its own good.
The fire was dancing and crackling, casting swaying shadows in the desolate castle. He stared at its entrancing display of warmth in the darkness, getting lost in melancholy thought. He had looked up several definitions while reading some of Hermione's books. Desolate was the perfect way to describe this dark and lonely castle; deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.
How were those torches lit, though? Does someone live here? Lurking in the shadows...waiting. I need to get out of this place. I feel like it's doing things to my mind.
The glowing warmth was starting to take effect. His frumpled black hair was still wet, but not to the point of inducing hypothermia. He leaned forward and pulled some moisture down out of his medium-length ebony hair, into his hands, which he rubbed and exposed close to the fire. He did this a couple more times, making sure his hands dried completely before leaning back into his chair just to relax for a few minutes, dry off more, and gaze intently at the tranquil sight of the flickering fire.
Maybe I should just stay here... Harry mused. He was just being dramatic. But, right now he didn't wanna move, nor try to figure out how to fight an enormous Swedish Short-Snout for a couple golden drinks... But, he needed to retrieve them somehow.
Even with all the weapons and special shield he'd acquired, it was a task to fend off the smaller silvery-blue dragon that had been killed for its treasure... By the bigger silvery-blue dragon that lurked treacherously somewhere in this very castle.
Almost as if on cue, he heard a thunderous roar reverberating the walls slightly, pulling him out of his trance to glance in its direction. It was coming from somewhere upstairs in the West wing. He wondered if it was challenging him.
Okay. I've had enough anxiety over this, Harry thought. Let's do this! I don't particularly know how I'm gonna do this... But, let's do this.
Just as Harry Potter was about to get up from the ridiculously comfy chair, he saw a bright flash to his immediate right. It was a gangly, ugly thing that he had nearly forgotten about.
"Does Sir Harry Potter need any kind of assisstance from Kreacher, sir?"
"Kreacher!" Harry exclaimed as quietly as he could, ecstatic to see a familiar face, "Boy, am I glad to see you! But... Wait. What are you doing here? How did you even know I'm here?"
"Mmmm," Kreacher grumbled in his dismal drawl, "Miss Granger... She came back to Shell Cottage to see her children. I was there, for Kreacher has made a promise to look after the well-being of the family of Granger..... And you are both to be pairbonded for eternity, yes? You will be a family..."
Harry Potter saw a sight more rare than any dragon or potion..... He saw Kreacher's crusty grimace fold up into a smile...
"Wow...." Harry murmured, "That's quite sweet, innit? Thank you, Kreacher. So... Hermione told you that I was at Karn Castle?"
"Yes, sir.. And that Harry Potter was in danger... She hastily told us all everything. About the potions and Abernathy, Karn Castle and the dragon, sir Potter."
"And about.... Ron?" Harry gulped.
"Kreacher is not blind, sir. Even before the engagement ring, I could see it. Bill was a bit put out, but he understood. He knows how long they were having problems, sir..."
"Well..." Harry couldn't help smiling, "Good to know... So..... Are you sure you're ready to battle a giant bloody dragon? It's an exceptionally large Swedish Snort-Snout."
"Kreacher will protect Mr. Potter whenever he can, sir. Or shall I say, Master Potter."
"Thanks, Kreacher. Let's get prepared." Harry got out a clip he had taken from Hermione's magical Mary Poppins bag and loaded the magazine to fill the 15 round capacity in his 9mm handgun (which still had the silencer on), while Kreacher retrieved the candelabra from the dusty wall with a snap of his fingers. The little house elf...goblin... type.....thing blew a cold arctic wind at the cobwebs on the candelabra and they all dissipated. Then, he suddenly sprung forth orange flames in his hand and shot them at the candelabra, lighting all three candles at once, ready to light their way.
Slinging the obtrusive turquoise shield on his back (made more manageable to carry, thanks to the Plumatos spell), Harry Potter valiantly picked up the Sword of Gryffindor and slung its sheath through his belt. He had left his Invisibility Cloak in Hermione's bag, but honestly it was too dark in this dreary castle to see through properly anyway.
Kreacher popped up off the glound, floating in the air with magic, as he followed by Harry Potter's side. He did this to keep up the pace with Harry and to better illuminate the castle, at a higher vantage, half a foot above Harry. They cautiously trudged their way up the velvet red stairwell.
"I heard a loud dragon roar before, and I think it's to the northwest, in the West wing of this castle," Potter muttered, holding his shield in his left hand, gun in his right.
"Here. Hold this. It shows the location of a Youth Potion, or chest with one, with a... sort of crimson beam of light," he said, fumbling into his hoodie pocket to hand Kreacher the ruby eye.
The gob-elf took the magic red gem with his left hand and sure enough - it shone its light diagonally up the stairs to the west, a faint vermilion shade. It must not be that close yet.
There was a daunting roar in the distance as a ripping flash of lighting lit up a prodigious window over the top of the stairs, as well as the adjacent Brobdingnagian portraits adorning the walls, followed by a haunting crack of thunder. The portraits displayed pictures of; a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, with short, sleek, dark brown hair that was combed to one side; a menacing picture of a Hungarian Horntail dragon, then a Swedish Short-Snout.
As they made their way up to the top of the red velvet stairs and onward west, Kreacher's three-pronged beacon of light shone in the forlorn hallway - whose floors were made of the same material - revealing more portraits; the next one of a giant, spiky black dragon under crimson red letters, spelling: The Dragon Lord. Following that was an image of the Deathly Hallows at the fore of a hauntingly gray cemetery with dead, twisted black trees. Finally, at the end of the row on the right wall leading west was a picture of.... Gellert Grindelwald?
On the left wall of the dark hallway hung a series of candelabras. As they crept closer to a foreboding black door at the end of the 2nd floor corridor, all of a sudden every other candelabra magically burst forth fire in each candle, illuminating the onyx snakes twisting around the two handles.
What the hell is in there? Harry thought. And is it anticipating us?
The handles wouldn't budge.
With that, the two sides of the onyx door split open, inviting them into an immense, pitch-black room. More thunder, following lightning that didn't reveal much but one large window in the darkened room. The room they started to head towards.
There was a bright flash behind Harry Potter and Kreacher, who whirled around to see another familiar face. He couldn't believe that she had come back anyway, as he muttered, "Hermione. Wai-- What are you doing here? I told you it's not safe. You need to go back."
"I missed you, Harry..." She stated with loving eyes, "Didn't you miss me?"
"Of course I did, love muffin. But--"
She started laughing, "Oh, my God... Uh... Ha.... Ahem. Have you seen my bag? I've seemed to have misplaced it, as well as my wand. Silly me, I must've stormed off so fast... Can I borrow your wand? Please... Butter crust?"
Harry chuckled, "Butter crust? That's a new one."
He reached for his wand in his gray hoodie pocket as she giddily replied, "Well, I've been wanting to come up with new, fun names for you, sweetheart. Besides," she chuckled, "It's no worse than love muffin, is it?"
Harry half-smiled and got out his wand hesitantly as he thought for a minute.
"Please, Harry," she inquired, "Your wand. I'll give it back as soon as I find mine or buy a new one."
Something feels a bit strange, he mused. Usually, by now, if she'd wanted to see me that badly, she'd have thrown her arms around me. Also, she loves the nickname, "love muffin" and why does she want my wand so badly?
Protego Diabolica! Harry thought.
Suddenly, a blazing circle of blue flame was summoned around Harry Potter. Kreacher just floated there casually in the flame as the ruby eye in his hand was disintegrated and Hermione was incinerated in a screaming wail of agony and suffering!
She disappeared into a dark blue orb that looked like a soul. It floated in the air for a few seconds and then shot into the pitch-black room behind them.
Protego Diabolica (to elaborate) summons a circle of blue flame around its caster, keeping all allies safe and incinerating opponents or enemies. Had it been the Real Hermione, she would have been perfectly fine and safe in the flickering blue fire.
"That was weird..." Kreacher grumbled.
"I had a feeling that wasn't Hermione!" Harry explained, seething, "I bet that was Abernathy trying to trick us! Did Hermione tell you that he's a Metamorphmagus??"
"No... I did say hastily, didn't I?"
"Yes, and--" Flash!! Harry saw a split second vision of a silvery-blue dragon roaring, fading from sight in an enormous blue burst of flame and then the ruby eye disintegrating with a whistling screech.
He continued, "I think that ruby you were holding was a Horcrux!"
Why else would it disintegrate?
Harry spun around, followed by Kreacher, as they progressed into the blackness, a looming inclination that they were moving into the heart of evil.
Progressing. Step. Step. Step. Step. And then suddenly, Flash! The room was lit up far brighter than Kreacher's single three-pronged candelabra could, while in all actuality each wall in the chamber was now illuminated by its own few now-burning torches. The firelight danced vaguely with shadows, but it was enough luminosity to see everything.
A mounding, massive pile of gold gave off a glimmering luster, just to the left end of the chamber. Perched upon it was the tremendous, silvery-blue Swedish Short-Snout, which roared feriously and growled, loud as the thunder! But, it seemed to be momentarily docile.
Suddenly, a blue blur sprang forth, emerging from the shadows, developing legs and a body and head in a shimmering blue and white spectacle, slowly transmogrifying right before his wide, awestruck emerald eyes into a physical form. After it had turned from transparent shimmering blue - like a phantom - into a man, a beguiling, corrupt, malign man, Harry Potter understood the portraits more clearly now. It was the same man from the first portrait after the crimson stairwell... It was Aronius Abernathy.
Blue flames still emanating around Harry, surging more wildly now, he snapped out of the surreal display. While whirling his mighty shield to his front, he added a third layer of protection with a silent Protego Maxima!!
Arvada Kedavra!! There was now a brilliant show of lime green and firey blue around Harry, which gave off a dazzling flash and hiss as Abernathy's malevolent stream of green hit the shield with heat. Simultaneously there was a flash, a thundering dragon roar along with a peal of thunder, furious rain now pelting the castle and large window more audibly. He swiftly shot a volley of five bullets in quick succession at Abernathy. The first two struck his shoulder with spraying blood, followed immediately by a lurid green forcefield, a Protego Maxima! Shield that had sprang up silently, humming while the third round got stuck, shattered by the forth, which was sent off its trajectory and missed, and the fifth bullet was sent ricocheting as Abernathy waved his hand away with a sort of telekinetic power. It went flying through the window, shattering, creating a hole for rain to spew through.
"You'll not use telekinesis on me, Abernathy!" Harry yelled as a firey red aura emerged all around Harry Potter, submerging him in a vibrant display of interchanging colors.
The beastly Short-Snout roared savagely with fury and charged, golden coins loudly spilling forth, but Abernathy halted the dragon with his hand stretched outward, putting it into its growling submission.
"Very good, Potter," Aronius chuckled with a sickening grin. "I've been wondering how you'd fare against my powers. By the way... Love muffin??" He guffawed heartily.
"Butter crust??" Harry snickered, then resumed the original point, "Better than you'd hoped, Abernathy!?"
He was not a gaunt, sickly old man, who by now would be over a hundred years old, but rather a svelte, vibrant 30 year old man.
We weren't fast enough... Harry bemoaned in his mind. He had found enough Youth Potions to give him the virility of youth.
"On the contrary, Harry," he wickedly smiled, "You've proven yourself to be more than just a simple-minded lucky bastard in a legend... Unfortunately for me, I suppose. Or the previous Dark Lord. However, I could see you as a valuable asset..... Even a partner, if you will. Join me in my cause, and we shall transcend the realm of shadow and secrecy, and I shall forgive you your transgressions."
The flames flared more as Harry raged, "You had my wife and children murdered, Abernathy!! Why the hell would I want to join your cause!?"
The sneering wizard's face took on a serious tone as he rebuttaled, "Because not only can we be gods, Harry Potter, but we can set things right! Make things the way they should have beean for the last thousand years! No longer hiding our powers in secrecy! Finally exacting revenge on those sick abominations that hunted us down and burned us at the stake, often for nothing, for SIMPLY KNOWING MAGIC!!! SOME OF WHICH WERE EVEN IGNORANT OF MAGIC!! But mostly all of which were innocent, unlike them..."
He continued with a grimace, "They are foul, selfish, hateful, foolish creatures that pollute and wreak havoc on our entire world, everyone's! As well as upon themselves! Fighting savagely over opinions, waging war over them and their lands that they toxify! They breed uncontrollably to the point of overpopulation, they starve and humiliate others over unfair financial inequality and pride!!"
Harry Potter stood his ground, despite the facts that were given, "And you think that hateful violence will make you any better!?"
Aronius scoffed, "Erroneous, Potter... As much as I'd like to eviscerate them all, every last filthy Muggle... I will merely repress them as they have repressed us. They will finally be in check when I take control. And mark my words, Potter, the world will be a much - better - place!!"
"You don't have the power to do that! All you'll do us cause more bloodshed, trying to exact your dark plan! There's no way you can overcome every military or militia!"
Aronius Abernathy scowled and drew out his sleek black wand menacingly as more lightning and thunder boomed, "Not by myself... But, I will gain enough followers to enact my grand plan. All I need is for you to join me, Harry Potter! Then, we can both become unstoppable!! And I won't have to kill you and Hermione!!"
At that, Harry Potter swiftly let out a silent Expelliarmus! right at Abernathy. His wand went flying from his hand, as well as he did. Harry quickly apparated right in front of him, threatening him with his own pointed wand and burning him with searing pain from the blue flames around him, as he screamed in painful agony.
Momentous lightning and thunder clashed as the silver-blue dragon roared with a murderous rampage. Harry grappled Abernathy and swung him around to place him between the beast and himself.
Kreacher put a green barrier around himself. Abernathy punched Harry hard in the face, knocking him back. Then, Aronius disapparated, reappearing a second later behind his pet dragon. Harry watched in horror as it unleashed a devastating stream of blue fire right at him, just barely getting his shield up in time to block the barrage! Harry managed somehow to get to his feet with the shield, heat and violent green hues clashing between his enchanted shield and the flames, as Kreacher thrust his palm from a distance towards Abernathy to send him flying against a castle wall just over the gold, with a thud!
Harry tried to disapparate, but all of his concentration and energy were focused on holding the shield against the torrential flames. When it finally had to cease its infernal assault, Harry immediately unleashed a salvo of two bullets into the Short-Snout's mouth, a third ping!ing off the diamond-hard hide on its terrifying jaw as it let out a piercing shriek. Harry pocketed the gun and withdrew his Sword of Gryffindor with an epic shwing!! sound, resonating off the castle walls with more thunder and lightning. Roaring cracks of thunder and rain pursued as he lifted his arm at an angle, ready to plunge the sword forward.
The demonic beast readied a firey blast right as Harry threw the sword straight into its bloodied maw! Now spraying blood profusely, screeching in agony with the sword stuck right through the back of its immense skull, it stumbled back onto the pile of gold. Its giant claw landed right on Abernathy, pinning him between the gold and the dragon claw. He screamed and lay still.
Thank God! Harry thought, finding the wicked man's wand nearby on the ground. He trudged over to it, exhausted, his nose and cheek bleeding. Harry picked it up and snapped it in half, then threw it like a discarded piece of rubble.
"Is Harry Potter alright?" Kreacher groaned with concern as he floated over to him.
"Yeah," he sputtered weakly, "I should... I should be alright, Kreacher. Thanks!"
Harry gradually managed to catch his breath as the rain fell and trickled through the hole in the window. Lightning flashed and then a low rumble, sounding like the storm was at least slowing down.
He whipped around at the most joyous sound he could hear at the moment, wanting it, needing it. It was Hermione at the entrance of the chamber.
She must have actually missed me and had been so worried about me that she apparated back to Karn castle, searched for me and found me here! God, I love her... My beautiful, sweet Hermione.
"Hermione!" Harry proclaimed with love, dropping his shield. They rushed towards one another and threw their arms around each other, kissing madly, overjoyed that they were together and alive right here.
With her beautiful face in his hands, Harry murmured, "Hermione... I told you not to come back here, for your own safety, love muffin."
She whispered, "I know. I just couldn't be apart from you, snuggle bug. I couldn't forgive myself if anything were to happen to you..."
They kissed more amorously, the blue flames gently warming them almost as much as their powerful love for each other was.
Kreacher floated closer, urging, "Masters..... Masters! Take a look back over there!"
Harry looked back in horror. Abernathy had transformed into an oozing black goo, sprawling out over the golden coins, out from under the motionless dragon.
His red aura and blue flames were dissipating as he shouted, "Accio Sword!" It shot out of the azure dragon's mouth, back into Harry's right hand. Aside from the squishing sound from the sword flying out, the dragon made no noise, signifying that it was in fact now dead.
Flash!! Hiss..... Wait a minute..... Was that dragon a Horcrux?....
Harry Potter picked up and readied his shield, flickering green... Hermione drew her wand up, uttering, Protego Maxima!!, casting a barrier on herself and then one on the grand turquoise shield, replenishing it.
"Thanks, Hermione."
"Of course."
They watched on in abject horror as the black goo all converged and boiled up into an enormous sphere in front of them. It bubbled and grew arms, feet, a tail and monstrous wings. The sheer size inspired Harry to focus with his wand and scream, "Accio Firebolt!" 15 seconds later - as he had left it downstairs - the Firebolt Supreme whipped into his left hand, through the shield's handle as he slung it onto the handle and belted his sword, cealing his hoodie pockets, concealing his wand and gun, with his mind. He had a feeling they wouldn't be too much use here, and he didn't need them to fly out, on a flight.
After a minute of forming itself, its appearance was apparent. He had transformed into The Dragon King. It was a grotesquely large black dragon, nearly too big for the chamber, resembling a Hungarian Horntail, except much bigger, darker, and with more spikes! It let out a terrifying shriek of a roar in unison with lightning and thunder, making the three of them shiver in awestruck fear!
Not a second to waste, Harry threw the Firebolt between his legs as he urged, "Hermione, get on this broom! One more time!"
"Okay..." She whimpered and got on, hugging Harry tightly from behind, wand also in hand.
"Bombarda!!" As she exploded and shattered the window in the chamber, the Dragon King bellowed deep and loud as an explosion, with fury. Harry shot towards the window as the dragon lunged forward. Kreacher shot right after them in the air and was caught by the dragon's colossal jaws! Blood splattered everywhere as it crunched repeatedly and threw the ragged house elf against the wall!
"No!!! Kreacher!!!!!" Hermione cried, hugging her painfully grieved face against Harry's back, just as they shot out the destroyed window.
They flew for half a mile before looking back, witnessing the monstrous, wicked black dragon smash through the wall the window had been on.
"He have to go back for him, Harry!!"
"No!! It's too late, love! I'm sorry!"
They both felt some tears, as well as anger, as they shot through the gray clouds, lowering their altitude while increasing their velocity through the bitter cold rain.
A couple minutes later, the terrible demonic dragon had caught up with them! It shot a blast of blazing dark fire that Harry Potter just barely dodged, to the side and down and over as it tried to catch them in the flame. Some had caught them, flickering green light protecting them as the Protego Maxima shields vanished from their bodies, leaving them defenseless.
"Harry!!" Hermione screamed in terror, gripping on tighter to her fiance.
He shot forward as fast as he possibly could, weaving in and out of the monster's jaws clamping to the side, each time just barely shooting out to the other side. He couldn't beat it in speed... What the bloody hell am I supposed to do!?? He thought frantically.
He bulleted his broom down to an island just ahead with few trees.
"Harry! We're coming in too fast!...." Hermione cried.
His life started to flash before his eyes, as everything started to go by in slow motion...
Hagrid knocking down his entire door at the hut on the rock... "Sorry 'bout that...." The first time he met Hermione, cute and bushy haired with buck teeth, sassy and making fun of Ron as she cast, "Oculus Reparo" to fix his broken glasses... The moment they shared just before he faced "Quirreldemort"... Stabbing a lunging basilisk through the mouth as he nearly sacrificed his arm to do so... The flight he enjoyed on Buckbeak... Holding Hermione as he tried to protect her from a charging werewolf... Casting a powerful stag Patronus across a black lake to ward off a dozen dementors from his dying body... Seeing Hermione at the Yule Ball, the first time he really noticed how gorgeous she is... Flying, almost just as panicked, away from a Hungarian Horntail... Witnessing Dumbledore clash with Voldemort in an epic duel... Hermione smiling over at Harry at Bill and Fleur's wedding... Their dance in the tent during the Deathly Hallows... Riding a Ukrainian Iron Belly Dragon out of Gringotts... Priori Incantatum against Voldemort's Avada Kedavra, just before vanquishing him... The birth of his first child... The devastating explosion... His first kiss with Hermione in her garden at sunset... Their kiss at the top of the mountain in the Forest of Dean at sunrise... Their kiss to Careless Whisper when they first made love... Spinning Roundhouse kicking Ron to the ground during their first and hopefully last fist fight... Proposing to her at sunset on a ferry in Sweden, and her saying yes!

"Arresto Momentum!!" She snapped the momentum halting spell, just in time. Two feet from the ground, they fell off the suspended broom, rolled a bit, and slowly got up, just barely scraped up a little. The broom then fell and they saw the deadly black dragon descending with his mighty wings.
"Hermione, take this!" Harry seized and handed her his giant enchanted shield. He readied his broom as she held the shield up nervously.
The monstrous onyx Dragon King growled and gulped in. Harry Potter shot off the ground right as it screamed out a bursting stream of fire, hatefully pummeling she shield Hermione struggled to hold in place.
Harry rocketed as fast as he could skywards, turned and aimed his Firebolt down. He shot down like a bullet, thinking, Please work... Please be okay, Hermione!
Rain still fell. Her feet were digging into the ground and she was losing strength as the infernal assault kept pummeling the shield, flickering its green aura away, but fighting to stay alive. Running out of steam himself, the great Abernathy dragon roared in anger and swung his hulking claw, fiercely bashing the shield out of Hermione's hand while hurling her back. Eyes shut, her hands fell back silently...
Harry let go of the broom, sword in hand, and with a flash and crack of thunder he fiercely plunged it into the top of the mighty dragon's skull!! Fuck you!!! Harry thought, hatefully, digging it in even further, as far as he could drive it, out through its cruel mouth. And as it roared ferociously, it swung Harry off of its head.
He collapsed, aching with pain and he rolled onto his back, coughing and wheezing, struggling to breath, the rain choking him as well. He watched the dragon suffering in agony, halfway between whimpering and growling, trying to make fire but coughing up only blazing embers. Harry struggled to his feet, shaking with fatigue, his head, elbows, forearms and shins bleeding. The two faced each other with absolute and total hatred in the cold rain. There were a few seconds of silence.
Each of them filled with rage as their eyes lit up a firey red. The Abernathy Dragon King growled deep and low, and then as he inhaled with all of his might, his pierced and bloody maw slowly filling with fire, something in Harry just snapped!
His pockets ripped open and he quickly whipped out his wand true, screaming something he never thought he would... The unforgivable curse, "Avada Kedavra!!!"
Just before Abernathy could unleash the killing stream of infernal flame, Harry Potter's vibrant emerald green killing curse beamed at the dragon in one second! Dragons don't always go down with one Avada Kedavra, mighty and magic resistance as they are (plus Harry never fancied risking a trip to Azkaban for using a dark "unforgivable curse"), but this dragon was weakened and Harry Potter's anger, power, hateful resolve and adrenaline were enough to kill it instantly! Once and for all putting an end to the potentially genocidal tyranny of Aronius Abernathy, former Elite Acolyte of the fallen Gellert Grindelwald.
The ginormous onyx dragon's eyes went pitch-black as it fell to its side with a tremendous Thud!!! Harry Potter exhaled with exhaustion and relief. He stumbled back, trying to hold his footing, chilling rain pelting his face. He wanted nothing more than to run to Hermione on the ground and pick up her fallen hand. But, his vision was going in and out and he soon collapsed on the ground. Then, slowly....... Everything went black.

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