Chapter 10- Hey Now

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"Harry... Where did you go? You're always leaving me."
"What?.... You left me."
The angelic looking beauty was fading in and out of view, like some sort of phantasmal entity, until she wisped away in the wind as Nitesky echoed in haunting accord.
"If you let - my - soul out.
(-You let - my - soul out.)
You let - my - soul ou-u-out....
It'll come right back to you--"
Harry was now running frantically along a crumbling black terrain, never ending with no real destination on the horizon, except a faint light of luminous gold.
--Let - my - soul out.
He started falling as the ground gave way, into an eternal abyss.
(-You let - my - soul out.)
You let - my - soul ou-u-out.....
It will come right back to you-
(-It'll come right back to you...)
He fell indefinitely, hopelessly into darkness as the song hummed eerily on to a never ending refrain of continuity. After awhile he saw a white light growing into view. As he drew closer, he could vaguely make out a symbol. It was the insignia of the Deathly Hallows. He gradually fell through the circular part and then a scarlet explosion encompassed him and everything turned blood red. Then to purple, then blue, then black with Azure rain drops surrounding him... Where am I?

His eyes were heavy, feeling groggy and ready to go back to the other world. He could vaguely see an image of rain lightly falling around Hermione in the blurry darkness of night.
"Harry, wake up... What are you doing?"
Ugg... Let me fall back into my dream world. I think I'd prefer that right now. It was trippy and safe, and not freezing cold, like right here, right now.
Harry Potter slowly sat up, realizing what had happened.
"Harry... Why on earth did you fall asleep on the ground outside?"
"I don't wanna talk about it." Potter replied sincerely as he got up on his own, brushing the dirt and bits of mud off of himself. Then, just slipping a little, he went to go sit on the stump he had fallen off of.
Hermione followed with her jet black umbrella, which she loomed overhead for both of them as she continued pestering him, "Harry, please! Are you going to talk to me, your girlfriend, or not!?"
Fine. Have it your way. You wanna have a row? Let's give it a go!
"Good question, Hermione..." Harry instigated in distress, "Are you gonna talk to me?"
"What are you talking about? I'm right here, aren't I!? Trying to talk to you!"
"Well, now you are... How long were you in there with Ron?"
There was a silence filled with turmoil. Until she barked back, "Never mind how long I was in there with Ron! I came out here, looking for you! Why didn't you come inside when it started raining? Or before that."
"Never mind, Hermione? Really?" Harry badgered, "That's worse than me saying never mind how long or why I was out here in the rain... Passed out, by the way. From exhaustion and stress, I'd bet. And how long were you tenderly caring for the man that had tried to get me killed? The guy who had slept with the woman that killed my family!! Remember that?"
Hermione was beside herself, at first tongue tied, but found her cold words in the cold rain, "He's my husband! Harry, we've been together for like a few days!"
To which his mouth drooped before saying, "I thought he was your 'ex' husband, Hermione... What happened to that?"
"Well, we haven't gotten divorced... We have kids together."
"So, that's it then?? Let's all just forget about how strongly we felt about each other! How much we have in common. How many years we've known each other. All because my few days doesn't match up to the kids you had and the years you wasted with that bloody asshole who cheated repeatedly on you and tried to get me killed! And he was always constantly insulting you and being an ass, I can't believe you ever married him, Hermione! I thought you were smarter than that..."
In frustration, she squawked, "What!?.... Wha--- so that's what you think!? Is it? And what about you and Cho and Ginny!??" Tears started to fall down her cheeks, mimicking the rain.
A little calmer, but dismayed, Harry rebuttaled grievously, "How could I not, Hermione?.... Not saying anything about myself - we all know I was an idiot about you, but... You're so much better than Ron. I mean, the bloody asshole used a love potion on you! Aside from everything else. Always insulting each other and fighting! Made you cry all day first year, by saying you were a nightmare who had no friends! And after all that and the love potion in 3rd year - how could you really even go out with him!? Were you really that desperate or that hell bent on proving to yourself that you could make it work, that you weren't wrong, or wrong for each other, that you loved him enough to marry him? I don't understand... Why didn't you ever just talk to me and tell me that you liked me??"
Hermione wiped away a tear and yelled at Harry, "I was not desperate! And why didn't you ever talk to me!!?"
"Why, because I'm a guy? That's not fair, Hermione... It doesn't and shouldn't always work like that! I was troubled, but you could've easily talked to me, we were good friends. I could've gone out with Ginny in my 2nd year, you know, fangirl that she was, but there was something about you... I think I always liked you-"
"--Oh, really!?"
"Yes, but really - my one chance with you back then was when I was an eleven year old kid that grew up abused and traumatized?.... I had issues, okay? But, it wasn't just me! I mean, never mind the whole Lockhart mess--"
"--He slipped me a love potion, too!! Twice!" Hermione screamed in tears.
"Yes, I've figured that out by now..." Harry continued, trying to remain calm. "Sorry... But, I didn't figure that back then. Same with Ron in 3rd year. Then, in 4th year I'm just supposed to ask you out before Ronald or Krum does? I mean...."
"I know, Harry... I'm sorry. I was far from perfect, myself...." Hermione admitted, sobbing, "Molly Weasley even sent me a howler..... Screamed at me about messing with you and then going to the Yule Ball with Victor Krum..." She looked ashamed of that.
"Well, thanks for that, Hermione... I mean, I guess at least you show some remorse for that. 25 years later or so... But.... That doesn't excuse Cormac, or you never telling me you liked me, or especially you marrying Ron..... Or you cheating on me with Ron now..." Harry reproached.
Hermione got up to obviously go inside as she shut the umbrella, leaving them in the chilling rain as she looked at him and admonished him, "I did not cheat on you!!... I would never do that to you, Harry! And I can't believe you don't trust me more... Honestly, that hurts."
"That hurts?? How do you think I felt!?"
"Harry..." Hermione wiped some tears away, quivering, "I'm not like that! Please..... Believe me. I was attending to the father of my kids having a broken arm. You were never even in earshot, yet you assume..... We were mostly talking about our divorce. That's why he was glaring at you, plus your Stupefy spell you blasted at him and him getting rammed by that giant wild boar and getting his arm broken... But, he told me that he had started the paperwork. He even thought about signing over his rights to his kids... Something about wanting to start over, with Gabrielle Delacour. And just past stuff. Then, we went into the tent. I just wanted to show him the splendid Halloween decorations we put up... And make some supper, and smoke my last bowl with him to ease his pain.... But, you never even came in....."
"Don't pin this on me, Hermione..."
She looked at him with sad longing, not sure what to say...
He looked at her in the same way, standing up to face her. They both looked at each other in the rain.
Then suddenly, there was a spark, a flare that Harry noticed out of the corner of his eyes, up in the hills.
"Hermione! Behind you! Look."
She turned around to see the ghastly sight. She was gasping as she said, "That fire! I think it's around that tree with the insignia for the Deathly Hallows! I knew it was strange. We should go up there before the whole forest catches on fire!"
"Yeah! Let me just grab a couple things! It looks like trouble. I'm pretty sure I saw some hooded figures," Harry replied urgently. He ran into the tent to find Ron, unconscious, on a 2nd cot.
Well... That's a relief at least, he thought.
He resumed his mission as he grabbed the Sword of Gryffindor off the ground and his gun from under their bed - only five bullets left - as well as the ruby werewolf eye he crammed into his pocket, and finally he seized his cloak of invisibility out of his box of belongings.
He rushed outside and threw the cloak over him and Hermione, and they made their way as quickly as they could up the hill.
"I wonder if they saw our lights and somehow summoned that Beast of Dean to attack us..." Harry whispered.
"Dunno... I suppose it's possible."

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